Chapter 13

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Naomi POV

Id sip my hot choc very loudly intil Ari would start yelling at me.

' WILL YOU SHUT UP!! ' She'd yell

I would start laughing

Miya : Shush! People are looking at us!

I would turn around to see a group of people looking at us


UUuhhmmm guys lets just go home.. Says Smile

Daniel : ' Indeed. '

Kiana would life up her hand in the air, making a huge power ball, making us teleport towards the base, the new base.

I would fall towards the ground, when we teleported. Then getting dirt all over my face. Then, getting hit by miya falling onto me, then ari... then Daniel.. then.. kiana.., don.. faith.. smile..


Kiana : Sorry.. cant control it completely.

Everyone would start to laugh


I'd stay still, my face still in the dirt


I would get up, wiping the dirt off my face.

Good game.. good game.. I'd glare at them

everyone would glare back

I would start laughing

Well lets go back 'home' says Miya

Faith : Yep!


Daniels POV

I want foooooooooddd.. ;-;

I would shove my face into the fridge looking for something to eat, then finding some leftover

I would look at Naomi, tossing the leftover towards her, letting her heat it up with her fire. She would toss it back, and I would thank her

No problem She'd say.

I would slop onto the new couch and would start to eat the leftovers while everyone flops onto the couch too.

Lets watch a movieeee says Miya as she grabs the remote

Smile : What movie?

Miya : SMURFS!!!

Everyone would groan

Naomi : Fine...

We would turn on the TV to smurfs, and the weird thing everyone was actually enjoying the movie. Anyways everyone went into there sleeping bags, since we didn't have our bed yet, so we went into our sleepings bags..

And slept.

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