Chapter 26

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POV : Miya

Wereee going on a trip on our favorite cloud car going through the skyyyyy little divine warriorrsss ~

Babs : Nice one!

' Hehe, thanks : D '

Naomi: -Face palm -

Ethan : We should go to McDonalds

Kiana : Nooooo ;-;

Don : How about Subwoy

Daniel : We should bring the others some food too.

Miya : Its kinda funny how faith, Ari, rachael and smile all like Wendys

Kiana : Hah.

Babs : Oh wow, ethan and I like Mcdonalds

Miya : hehee!

Naomi : Lets all separate, so a group of people that like mcdonalds go here, group of people who are going to subwoy, and a group of people going to wendys

Subwoy : Naomi, Don, Kiana

Wendys : Daniel, Miya (Getting the foods for the others too )

Mcdonalds : Babs and Ethan


Miya POV

We will take some baconater fries ..... Salads..

We finished up ordering the foods for the rest at home, including us.

We should probably eat with the rest at home.

Daniel : K-

- Mall Announcement - there is a fire, I repeat THERE IS A FIRE

Everyone at wendys would dropped there food and started running except us

' What do we do Daniel ? '

Daniel : We have to help people

' That's what I thought. ' Id smile

Daniel and I would quickly run towards the fire, while the rest is helping people get out.

I would place both of my hands together.

'' From the soil, minerls, RISSEEE '

I would bring my hand towards the fire, letting the plants surround the fire before it spreads even more

I would look at Daniel, making a signal to do his part of this

Daniel : STORM RAGE!

A storm would appear above the fire, taking it out completely, while everyone else is gone except us.

Daniel : Nice work

Id nod.


Kiana POV

We need to go find them-

Don : there they aree!

Mall Owner : Who are yo-


I teleport don and I to the base.

he lands first, face first in the dirt, then I fall on his back

' wooops.'

Don : You really need too control your teleportation... -mutters-

I would get up, and don would be covered in dirt


Don : .. -_-

Then all of the sudden everyone would appear from the sky, almost hitting us, but don pushed me out of the way

Naomi : hey atleast we didn't land face first

Kiana : ;-;

We would walk into the base, seeing Faith, smile, ari and Rachael holding a toddler

Miya would drop the food, and jump towards the toddler, sliding on the floor


Rachael : ok ok

Shed hand her to Miya


Comet : Comet!

Miya : HI COMET!! :D

Comet would giggle

Naomi : Whered you find her??

" Shes so cuteee.. Mind if I carry her Miya '

Miya : okay!

I would hold her, rocking her like a baby

I would hand her to rachael

Comet : MAMA ! <3

Daniel : oh my god shes so adorable

Naomi : I know right!

Ari : Shes so sweet!, She looks just like Rachael!

Babs : Whered you guys find her?

Smile : Well we found her in the woods, while u guys went to the mall

Don : Oh yeah, the mall got shutdown, there was a fire

Naomi : mph. ;-;

Don : Lemme hold herrr </3

Don would hold her

' DADA! '

Kiana : Awwweeee... she likes you!

Don : <|3

Don would hand it to Naomi

Naomi : Heh.. shes cute :3

Comet : Auntie!

Naomi : !

Daniel : She thinks we are her relatives.

Rachael : About that.. her mother died ..

Daniel : ..

Daniel : She has ears like a wolf and a tail..

Babs: That explains why she thinks Rachaels her mom,

Miya: Mother like Daughter

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