story idea?

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okok so i just saw this edit and it gave me this story idea!! (this is copied from my notes)


but instead...he created. me.

mad scientists want to create a being to help earth with battle. instead he creates a monster who makes a battle against them.

-holland roden is the monster. unsure if it's gonna be a oc or lydia martin
-if lydia the dread doctors created her (meaning they are good)
-if oc they are in russia and the doctors are the agony doctors.
-main character becomes an unstoppable force
-switchs point of view from her destroying (third person) and flashbacks of her being created and being tested on (third person)
-goes insane in testing chambers
-has a infinite use of powers (sonic scream,telekinesis,mind control, etc.)
-great hand to hand combat skills
-doctors used the body of a kidnapped girl to host the being.
-has either red eyes or black eyes that fully turn the eye black when fully "demon"
-maybe set in the past

ok so that's all my ideas for it lmk what you think!



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