Chapter 14

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Garik POV

I've been in Western Wall City for about 55 days now, and it's, been, awesome. I learned so much about the city and especially water-bending. I now know that firebending is our opposite bending.

That was no brainer.

Me, Cole, Renina, and Emily were walking along the Upper Ring Sall. The sky had small thin clouds but it was mostly open. I was getting accustomed to these waterbending cloths.
"So what are the walls made of again?" I asked.
"Hard, unbreakable crystals of the Elemental Arts," Cole said, playing with water in his hand.
"Ok, Garik." My Aunt said, stopping us. "As a waterbender, you now have the special ability that comes with it. This power is known as Foursee but is really called, the FourSight. Not all have it. It can do many things, different from each waterbender. As an example, for me, the Foursight allows me to see into the future for a time. I'm going to unlock the power with you, but as for what the Foursight does for you, that is what you'll have to come up with, alright?"

I didn't quite understand, but the look she was giving me which I read as "just say ok" told me to just roll with it.

I nodded. She turned to face me and put one hand on my forehead, the other over my heart. She closed her eyes and seconds later, they snapped open a bright, silvery blue glow. I felt a wave of mystic force energy push me slightly. Suddenly my heart and head glowed bright blue at the spot where she touched me. Then, after a warm feeling expanded from those parts across my body, getting to my eyes, my eyes felt strange, like hydroelectric energy power infused in them.

"Your eyes are shading blue, Garik," Cole said. They light disappeared and I slowly felt back to myself again.

My Aunt removed her hands and intertwined her fingers together. "How do you feel?" She asked smiling.

"Ok, I think. But everything I see is blue." I said, worrying that she may have messed up.
"Oh, that will go away any second." She said, and it did. Everything returned to its normal colors.
"Are my eyes blue?" She bent me an ice mirror. I looked at my reflection and saw my eyes were the same color, dark/light brown.
"They don't stay mystic blue silly. Only when you activate the Foursight. You may instructive call it Foursee, but remember, the true name is Foursight."

I nodded. "You came up with this?"

"Well, I guess you could say I was the first one. In my teen years, I was the one that discovered waterbending, my sister airbending, one brother earthbending and the other firebending."

You should write the adventures of Renina author. Are you going after I leave in Sen-

-STOP GIVING AWAY UNCONFIRMED SPOILER YOUNG GARIK! Ugh! I can't wait for the older. He'd be just by a year or two older but still. Geez-

"Want me to tell you what the other elemental benders can do." She's said in a half smile.
"They can do stuff?!" I said in disbelief. "Like what?"
She grinned, rubbing her hands together.
"Some firebenders can make you see anything with their minds. At first you can tell it's fake but later on, after they've trained themselves it will be like you're really seeing something. The only way you know it's fake is by looking at their eyes. They turn dark fiery red."
"Cooler than our shiny blue eyes," Cole mumbled.
COLE! Do not disrespect your own culture." Renina said, turning her head to look at him. He put his hands up is defeat. "As I was saying," She continued.
"Earthbenders, with their minds, can control your body, limb by limb only though. Their eyes become grass dark green."
"That sounds freaky," I say. She laughs and went on.
"Last but certainly not least, Airbenders, with their eyes and controlling air molecules, can make you feel a little pain. Up to the point where it makes you feel like you're dead." She finished explaining. "But,"
Oh no, the dreaded but!

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