Part 2

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Joe's eye was first caught by her extremely long straight hair then the glint of her crystal keychain that was attached to her purse as she browsed his store. Before his thought could be lost to his ever wandering mind he pulled out his phone to take a picture of the keychain. Then he realized that she was looking right at him. He smiled picked up a magazine and acted like he was taking a picture of an article. But in fact, just past the magazine, his camera's focus was on her and her crystals.

'Why had I not thought of this before?!' he thought when he hit his forehead with the heel of this hand. He grabbed the store phone and dialed Pop's number. 'I can have my contact in town rig up a duplicate!'
"Pop! I got a plan!" he said as a couple of new customers turned and looked at him. He smiled at them and turned his back and spoke quieter. "Pop, we're saved! I got the answer to getting our problem solved."

On the other end of the line, "Son, you have to quit with the drama and the daydreams and face facts. We are all doomed and nothing is going to help us. There is just no way!"

"But Pop, listen I got the answer," he pleaded. "I'm going to sort this out and then I'll get back with you. But this will work. We can get the... huh, ..we can do this Pop!" Joe said.  "This will work, I know it," he said as he hung up and searched his phone's contacts for Jethro's number, his jewelry designer friend.

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