Chapter 13: Like Branches of a Tree

Start from the beginning

Camila rolled her eyes. "Okay, but do you really think Lauren would get a tattoo from a book like that? How did you come up with the idea for your tattoo?" She then questioned, glancing down at the coloured ink that adorned the boy's inner arm.

"Point taken." Chris looked down. "This was my dad's idea. There's a rose for each of my sisters, and the roman numeral twelve is for my mom and her birthday. The arrow holds us all together. I figured it'd be nice to pay a little homage to the women in my life."

"So where's my rose?" The brunette lifted an eyebrow.

Chris looked at her. "Mila, I'd get a million roses tattooed all over my face if that's what would make you happy." He blinked eagerly. "Wouldn't even hesitate."

"Hilarious." Camila set the book down. "It's really great that your family is so loving."

"Mom always told us that family is like branches of a tree." Chris nodded, looking down at the ink. "Even though we may grow in different directions, our roots remain as one."

"Wow." Camila smiled sadly. "You must miss her a lot huh?"

"So much." The boy sighed. "The world can be the worst sometimes."

Her devotion now switched to taking Chris's mind off the subject, Camila took him by the arm with a teasing grin and summoned him to hold nearly everything she had purchased so far while she browsed through some racks filled with fresh gym clothes.


"I'm so HAPPY."

Camila laughed, stepping back and focusing the camera of her phone on the four year old who was nearly hopping up and down at the prospect of going out to collect candy. He had a small orange cloth bag wrapped around his wrist, his light blonde hair moving as he did.

"You look so handsome." She remarked, snapping a picture and placing it in the group chat she had with the rest of the girls and sending it out. "Is that thing in your ear not uncomfortable?"

"Nope," Cam began to walk around in circles, waving his empty bag around. "I wanna go!"

"Hey look at that, you could be a baby Britney too." The brunette mumbled under her breath. "The others are ready outside, you have to wait for Luke first." She laughed. "Cam, I'm sad I don't get to take you out this year."

"Come with us then!" He exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "We can go together! Do you have a costume?"

Camila laughed. "I think the last time I dressed up for Halloween was back in school, I went as princess Jasmine from Aladdin. You know her, right?"

"Yeah," Cam nodded. "Come with us!"

"No!" Lucas came sliding down the rail to the upstairs, landing on the floor lightly and flipping up the hood of his onesie. He looked precious, covered in the soft, light blue fabric with fuzzy eyes on top of his head. The hood pushed his bangs down over his forehead, making him look younger.

"But she has a costume." The younger boy pointed up at his mother with a smile. "The girl from Aladdin!"

"Jasmine?" Lucas' eyes flew wide. "Oh gosh no, isn't she the one who doesn't wear a shirt?!"

"She has a shirt." Camila folded her arms. "It's just... smaller."

"It's not smaller." Lucas shook his head, mocking her. "That's a bra,"


"Just no." The boy scowled. "Oh god no, please no no no."

"No what?" Lauren descended from the top floor a moment later with a blue cloth bag in her hand that she tossed over the railing at Lucas. The boy snatched it out of the air, smiling his thanks.

Never Let Me Go (Camren/Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now