Ch.37 Searching

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Disclaimer: I Don't Own Naruto.

This is a Fan-Fiction: I'll do whatever the hell I want. 
Deal with it.

Any and All Rude Comments will be Deleted On Sight.


[Kiba's POV]

Officially, it's been about six days since Reika got taken. Yes, I have been keeping track - Although, to me, it seems like its been years and I've been getting restless because of it.

Unlike the travel to get into Oberon, the amount of stress that's been quickly accumulating on me has increased to an extremely high level. I think I almost preferred being chased around the forest by those Maori speaking people, rather than suffer through this.... waiting, not knowing where she is, how she's doing or when I'm going to see her again - If ever, but I don't want to even consider that factor, I can't consider that.... because if I do then.... I think I'll loose my sanity entirely.

Its slowly tearing me apart inside, the uncertainty that I've scarcely ever had to deal with, because usually I'm confident and certain in most situations.

I'm not sure if I can handle it for much longer before I completely snap. Atsuko's helped us rally some volunteers to help search the surrounding area - Since we don't know exactly how far they could of gone, or where they might of taken her - Anything could give us a clue. At this point, I'd take just about anything I could get my hands on, that would even remotely help us get Reika back.... anything at all.

I'd give anything to have her back here with me right now.

The first night in the castle slash mansion, I couldn't sleep a wink, far too worried about what was going to happen and wondering how we were all going to make it out of this in one piece. Akamaru cuddled into me, trying to keep me calm, I smiled at him, he's a good companion.

"Sorry pal, I just miss her" He whimpered softly and I sighed, petting his head. "Yeah, I know.... you miss her too"

There was a knock on the door, "Kiba?"


She cracked the door open and poked her head through it, "Can I come in?"

Nodding in her direction, "Ah, sure"

She smiled, coming into the room completely and closing the door behind her. I noted that she ditched the ninja gear and went back to wearing her usual attire of a long blue dress with blue shoes, but this time her hair was held back from her face with a slim blue headband.

"Something wrong?"

She shook her head, "No. Couldn't sleep. You?"

I sighed, "Me neither"

Smiling softly, she walked over and sat on the edge of the over-sized bed, pulling her legs together into a criss-cross position and resting her arm on them. "Thinking of Rei?"

The mention of her name caused me to sigh again, "Yeah.... you?"

She frowned, "Yeah" It was at this point, Akamaru jumped from my lap into Atsuko's, causing the girl to laugh lightly, petting his head and cooing at him. "Thanks, Pal" she murmured softly.

He yipped, causing me to smile at him as well. He certainly knows how to make people smile, even when they don't feel like smiling.

A long moment of silence passed between us, with the only one to make any noise being the puppy, whose doing everything within his power to make us happy again. I love him for that.

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