Christmas Special~

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[A/N: Merry Christmas Everyone~ I hope you're all enjoying your Holidays this year!

December 24-25, 2014 ~ 

Here's a Holiday Special for all of you who love Christmas as much as I do.
I also feel the need to say "Happy Birthday Jesus" and to Anyone whose Birthday also happens to be in December. 

This Christmas is going to be outside and seperate of all the chapters surrounding it and has nothing to do with the plot of the story.

They will be OOC and I may or may not use certain characters]  


Reika's POV 

"You're an idiot"

"Am Not!!"

"Yes you are"

"What? Why?"

"Because you are"

"That's not a reason!!!!"

"Sure it is. Urusai already. I'm tired of this"

"But Rei~ Its important!!!"

"Important for who? I already told you before. I don't care for that kind of thing"

"How would you know if you've never done it before?"

"I just know. Now drop it already you damned mutt"


Rolling my eyes at him, I threw off the tinsel that 'oh so conveniently' landed directly on my head after Kiba decided against my better judgment to climb a step-latter, in order to reach the top of the tree they set up in the living room. Only for him to loose his balance and ending with me being annoyed with him for the hundredth time today.


I hate holidays.

Using my hands to brush out the last of it from my hair, only to be suddenly grabbed and jerked into the kitchen where Tsume and Hana were busy cooking, cleaning and just running around while causing chaos in general.

Sighing aloud with a roll of my eyes as I was forced into a nearby chair.

"Hey Reika, taste this for me will ya? I can't tell if it came out right"

"I'm sure its fine Hana"

She shook her head, "No No No. Don't just say stuff you know I want to hear. Taste it and tell me what you really, Honest to God, think of this!!!"

With another sigh, I just decided it would be better for me to just eat it, say its good - even if I don't actually mean it - then quickly come up with a half-assed excuse so that I may finally escape this Holiday Fest from Hell.


She grinned happily, the same toothy one all Inuzuka's seem to possess. As she quickly brought out the food like substance to which I have yet to identify.

I don't usually cook anything special for holidays. Or in general.
So I can't be accustomed to all the things that happen on said holiday.

Quickly shoving a decent sized portion into my mouth, all previous notions of wanting to blow them all off and get out as fast as possible just seemed to of flown out the door.

What the hell?

"So.... How is it?"

Taking a moment longer to process, then swallow, I suddenly found I lost the ability to form words.
At least until she started to freak out and got in my face, yelling about how she's a bad cook and will never amount to anything int he culinary world.

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