You arnt safe

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Hey wattpad family sorry for the slow edits if any of u have a question or want to be dedicated to these chapters talk to me 🙄 jesse on the side


Alisons POV:

I wake up to strong arms that hold me close to his warm chest. I smile laying there I feel safe when I'm in his arms. Turning the front of my body twords him, I start poking him in the face.

"If you don't stop I will do something that I can't help but do." I stop but I still laugh knowingly. I start to do it again. Feeling the weight shift I see that he's flipped us over and he's over me.

“I told you.” He smirks down at me. I smile at him “told me what I don't remember what that was.” He leans down kissing me, i take that chance to flip us over where I'm over him.

“now what were you saying.” I smirk at him getting off of him and head towards the closet.  he growls at me. "Not fair cupcake." I laugh and grab a pink crop top shirt and dark red short shorts.

i head to the bathroom and change into my outfit. Brushing my hair i look through my phone to see if anyone had liked my instagram post.A few of my friends have like my favorite friend Amanda.

I finish brushing my hair, heading down the stairs I sit at the table eating what was made for me. Scrambled eggs and toast yass. Once i was done eating I get up and put my plate in the sink.

I grab my backpack and head to the door. Eric is outside already i hope. I open the door to see Eric staring at a dark haired figure. I look more at the dark haired figure. “Eric who's this?” i look at Eric with a concerned look.

He looks back  at me. “he claims to be your brother.?” I look at him confused. “brother? My dad said my brother died when i was younger?” The dark haired man scoffs.”of course he did he probably didn't want you leaving the house because he's a pathetic liar.”  

I look at him. “who are you?” He looks back at me. “im jesse your older brother.” I take a step back and i walk to the living room and i settle down onto the couch. “m-my brother? But how?”

They both walk in. Eric brings me a cup of water. “babe i don't know but this seems off to me.” jesse sits down on the love seat across from me and Eric. “i know you don't believe me but I can assure you it's true.”

He gives me some pictures of; him holding me when i was a baby. I see our mom in the corner of another picture smiling with me in her arms and Jesse hugging her leg.

How is this even possible.? “how did I not know you then before?” i give him back the pictures. He looks at me grabbing the pictures. “i’ll tell you when you get back from school.” i look at the clock. We had 20 minutes to get to school. “crap ok you stay here ok.” He nods at me. Eric and I get up and start heading to the door.

~~~~15 minutes later~~~~

I get out of the car and I  see Amanda standing at my locker waiting for me. “ where have you been i have been waiting for forever.?”

i gather my stuff. “you will not believe what I found out

She looks at me with a puzzled look. “tell me during lunch ok.” I nod and make my way to math class.  

~~~skip to lunch ~~~

I head into the lunchroom to see a full line of people. I get in line to see whats for lunch. The line gets shorter and i walk up before someone steps in front of me. “excuse me i was there you know.”

When that person turns around I see a blonde haired guy. His bright blue eyes stare at my green ones. “im sorry but im in a rush.” i look at my table and I see eric. He looks unhappy because of the blonde who cut in front of me.

The blonde looks over to where i'm looking. “is that your boyfriend or something?”I look back at him. “why do you wanna know.” he rolls his eyes at me and turns around not answering my question.  HOW RUDE i should kill him Alison…. My wolf says to me unhappy also with him.

Kelly calm down hes just a petty blonde guy.. I try to calm her down so she doesnt take over.  

I just wish today would go faster.  I start taking a tray and start to get my food. Once i gathered all of my food i start over to eric and sit down. “are you ok ali? That guy is very rude to have skipped you in line.” I pick up my apple and take a bite of it.

“im fine Eric as long as your here.” He smiles at me and hugs me. “I just want you to stay safe and sound in my arms everyday. Without me you arnt  safe and i wanna make you safe.”

I set my eating   apple down and look at him. “ i am safe with you ok dont worry.”

I look at Amanda. "So i found out I have a brother..." She looks at me confused. "Oh this will take forever to tell your slow ass." She laughs. "Lets get started." She said to me.

Hey guys hope you like tjis chapter i worked hard on it 😍 hope you guys enjoyed it 😚😊

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