M. Jesse x Petra: It'll be okay

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"What the hell do you mean you wanna go back to Beacontown?!" Jay practically yells at Petra.

"I just want to go back, okay?!" Petra shouts back, before she gathers all of her stuff. She picks up Miss Butter, her diamond armor, and a photo of her and all of her friends. It wasn't much but it was all Petra needed. 

"But why?! We both agreed we wanted adventure in our life and we came all the way out here! Why after a year do you want to go back?!" Jay steps in front of Petra, crossing his arms.

"I want to go back because I want a family, Jay! I want a home and a family! I just want a life that is worth living, not a life where I have to spend every day just trying to live! Adventure is so fun, but.. Look I am only here because I didn't know what I wanted and now I know! I want to go back to Beacontown!" Petra stands tall and looks up at Jay, squinting her eyes at him before pushing passed him and storming away.

"Petra, where are you going?" Jay asks, anger in his voice, as Petra puts miss butter away. Petra looks away from Jay, pissed off and she storms off before she said something she would regret. 

"I am going home, Jay." Petra says in a monotone voice as she starts to walk west. 

Jay sighs and shakes his head, "Petra, can we at least talk about this?" There is no answer. "...Petra?" Jay looks up only to see that Petra is gone. "...Oh no... Petra!" He runs in the direction Petra was walking, trying to find where she went, calling after her. "Petra?!" He calls out, holding out his iron sword. He follows her boot prints until they come to an abrupt stop. "Petra, where are you?" He asks himself before looking around. He starts to walk before hearing a scream, "GET OFF OF ME YOU STUPID ZOMBIE!" That was for sure Petra. Jay runs in the direction of her screaming before seeing Petra, trying to grab her sword as a zombie holds onto her arm, trying to injure her. "Petra hold on!" Jay says before holding out his sword, running to the zombie and swinging. "Petra, get out of here and run." Jay hits the zombie, slicing open its arm before stabbing it in the head. Petra grabs onto her sword before listening to Jay and running away in a random direction. Each step was getting harder for Petra to make as she realized that she left Jay behind. "..." She looks down at her sword before turning around and making a run back, "Jay, hold on!" She says before starting to run back. As she starts running back, she takes a wrong step and falls over, hearing an audible snap in her ankle. At first, she couldn't believe her clumsiness, then she tried to get up. "Owowowowowowow... Okay, I guess that's a no." She says. She can hear Jay fighting a zombie... A few zombies. She lets out a shaky breath. Jay holds up his sword before swinging it one last time, and it breaks. "...Crap." He throws the handle of the sword at the zombies before running off in the direction he saw Petra run. He continues to run for a few minutes before seeing Petra on the ground. Without even thinking, he picks Petra up and starts sprinting as fast as can, trying to protect both himself and her. Jay stops running after twenty minutes and looks down at the pale redhead, "Petra, are you... Are you okay?" He asks, panting very hard between each words. Petra doesn't answer and had a small frown on her face, "Look, I'm sorry Petra, okay?" Petra just nods and Jay pants hard before thinking for a second, "Shall we go home?" He asks, "Shall we go home to Beacontown?" Petras face lights up and she nods. She sits up a little bit before placing a kiss on his cheek. She then rests her head in the spot between Jay's neck and his shoulder, "I'll be okay Petra... Let's go home."

A week goes by of walking and finding their way back to Beacontown. They were maybe two hours away from Beacontown on foot, but Petra was just too exhausted to keep going and Jay really didn't feel like carrying her... They also don't feel like walking in the pouring rain for the next couple hours so they just decide to stop in a nearby cave... A cave Petra used to live in many... MANY years ago. Petra looks around the cave before letting out a sigh of slight relief, "Oh man, I have not seen this place in forever." She says as she leads Jay down the caves, "What you know this place?" Jay asks. Petra stops in front of an iron door, "This place used to be my 'home' I guess you could say." She whispers as she opens the door. As soon as she opens the door, her eyes lock onto the beds and she makes a sprint for it before laying down, "Oh my gosh, it will feel so good to just be able to lay down and sleep for a few hours." Petra says while yawning. Jay rolls his eyes before taking off his shirt and jeans and throwing them into a corner of the stone room, leaving him in a pair of black boxers, "Well I do not know about you but I don't really feel like sleeping in my clothes." Jay says before sitting down on the beds. Petra looks down at her clothes before sighing and getting up, "Yeah, you are right. I don't wanna sleep in my clothes either." She pulls off her jacket and shirt before seeing Jay staring at her, "Excuse me, Jay. Do you mind y'know... NOT watching me undress? It's really embarrassing to me." Petra could feel her face heating up and Jay looks away, "yeah, yeah... Sorry babe." He says, looking away from Petra. Petra then takes off her shoes and pants, leaving her in nothing but a dark red bra and panties. She slowly walks over to the bed and both her and Jay lay down. They hadn't really cuddled or anything since they had that fight. They both lay together, the room filling up with peace and quiet.

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