Here's the Truth

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Here's the Truth

It's a word that is taken lightly, a word that is mocked, taken as a joke nowadays
Why? Because those that are meant to be the peace keepers of the world or claim to only want to do right,
Only do wrong, their the ones that are starting our wars
That word, when it's uttered your ears peak and your cameras blink, so you can be the first to come out with the story, not the truth, but the story, the part no one has but everyone wants to hear, the lie
Instead of race against race you hid it behind cop against person, but no it's a war between the races that's begun and the truths bein hidden behind lie,
You see when that black man you shot for "bein dangerous" died, it came out he wasn't dangerous he was reachin for his qualifications to show you, sir I mean you no harm I'm a nice man, but was that the thing that interested you? Nah, he was just another black statistic reachin for a gun,
You see when his family was grievin because you thought he was reachin, all you got was a slap on the wrist and a don't do it again,
Is that what you call protectin our peace, sir?
Ha, if anything I think that's you just killin and bein released,
You see we can't go and be a decent person, we can't buy food and wear hoodies, protect and help our patients, or even at the least when we are being locked up, justifiably or unjustifiably, end up at the police station alive and breathing,
So then there's a war small at first, growing in time,
because those "peacekeepers" kept no peace yet started a war,
We feel the need to say OUR lives matter too just to be argued everyone's lives matter,
Your correct we all matter in the eyes of our beholder but WE are the innocents dying by the hands of YOU
When your brothers and sisters, blood or not, are out here dying just for living that's when YOU tell ME we ALL matter,
Because right now peace is over and the war has begun, and BLACK LIVES MATTER NOW

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