Bully trouble

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"Now when schools over you call me,you might ne-","okay bye!",peter interrupted tony and left the car waving to him bye,tony was speechless but he laughed it off and drove away.

"Hey Pete you showed up,thought you would skip",peters best friend said which was,ned Osborn he was a a good friend and funny man he was always there for peter when needed.

"Yeah ya know I was forced to","yeah by who I saw you get out of that nice mustang",peter rubbed his neck embarrassed "just a family good friend",he lied "okay,anyway did you get homework done",peter smirked "I sure did","wow for the first time",ned joked peter smiled "oh be quiet,I had so-","hey dweeb!"peter was interrupted as he was pushed to a locker.

"Flash I don't have time for this",Peter tried to walk away but flash pushed him to the locker again "leave him alone flash",nee said pulling flash away,flash only pushed ned to a wall "don't touch me!","hey stop!"peter pushed flash "whatever,what are you gonna do bout it",peter clenched his fist.

"What you gonna fight me",flash pushed peter on the shoulder "stop messing with us or I will",flash laughed historically soon swinging his fist to punch peter but peter caught his fist twisting his arm "you little-!",flash threw another punch this time hitting peter in the stomach cause him to let go clenching his stomach.

"Gaah!","yeah you still wanna fight,maybe your little made up friend spiderman can save you",flash grabbed peter only for peter to grab flashes head and pull him down kneeing him,"ah!"flash laid on the floor peter picked him up throwing him to the wall.

"Hey what's going on here!",peter turned around to see the principle "he started it",ned said "and I finished it",peter said the principle took peter by the sleeve "come to my office,somebody help this boy to the nurses",the principle pulled peter to the office.

"This is the third time Parker,I warned to enough times,this was your last one,I'm sorry but I have to give you a break from school for a month it's to much you need this",peter jumped up from the chair hitting the principles desk "suspended,are you crazy I need school it's my only time to socialize and work,not being commanded to do stuff out of school I need this!",peter raised his voice growling under his breath.

"Don't raise your voice at me Parker,I'm calling your aunt",peter looked at the principle speechless "what is it"he asked in demand,"my aunt is dead,she died 2 weeks ago",the principle put the phone down "Parker I'm sorry I didn't know","I don't need apologies I heard enough from people,I'm leaving",peter didn't let him respond he quickly ran out the office and barged out the school.

15 minutes later-

Peter sat on the roof of the stark tower,waiting for the 8 hours to past and for tony and Steve to come home.

Peter texted flash.

P-"you busy right now"
B-"no,just finished a mission,got another beta human it was lightning this time"
P-"you doing okay,did they hurt you"
B-"don't worry,I grew stronger actually"
P-"that's great,I'm really bored I just got suspended for fighting"
B-"your first day back and already causing trouble I see"
P-"can't judge me,flash punched me so I fought back"
B-"you have to remember peter,the superhero world is different you can't go fighting people"
P-"I know,you sound like a parent"
B-"yeah yeah,everyone tells me that"
P-"isn't a surprise dad"
B-"don't start"
P-"it's funny though"
B-"till I get you in the sheets"
P-"very funny,your so dirty"
B-"not really I took a shower"
P-"your weird"
B-"I know"
P-"hey berry I have a question"
B-"shoot hot shot"
P-"whys deadpool here,like why is he in New York"
B-"I don't work for advengers,but maybes he's doing some mission"
B-"you okay?"
B-"hey answer,peter are you okay"
B-missed call from berry Allen
B-"peter answer me"
P-"it's loki he's still in New York berry you need to help me,deadpool cant fight him alone"
B-"I can't go,a wound is healing it's gonna take 3 hours"
P-"shoot,berry I need you to call my parents"
B-"don't have their numbers,peter your worrying me get out of there!"
B-"peter stay safe I'm gonna see what I can do".

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