Wake Me Up When September Ends - Cybomb

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Song: Wake Me Up When September Ends
By: Green Day
Album: American Idiot
Ship: Cywren x Timebomb
Words: 1,364
[High School AU]

  Summer has come and past,
The innocent can never last,

  Cywren sighed as she looked down the long hallway, keeping her head low as she kept telling herself to inhale and exhale deep breaths. That's what the therapist told her to do. 

  She'd been out of school for the past two weeks due to a tragic incident happening. 

  Her father's death. 

  Wake me up when September ends,

  He was in an extreme car accident where the car had flipped multiple times into a ditch. The police were out there in seconds. They found James Caster stuck through the windshield of his car, glass shards stuck in his stomach from where it rested against the frame of the vehicle. 

  It took a few hours before any of the officers could bring themselves to tell Cywren. She was already stressing herself out so much with high school that none of them wanted to see how crushed she would be when they would tell her. 

  When they did, they thought that she would never leave the crime scene. 

  Like my fathers come to pass,
Seven years has gone so fast,

  Cywren slowly opened the door to her Biology class, sitting down at her table that sits four students each. 

  Normally in this class she sits at her table with Copper, Veronica, and Timebomb. 

  She just happened to get inside a few minutes before the bell would ring to dismiss them from third period to move to fourth. She began flipping through the pages in her notebook that her therapist had given her to make her feel better. Her heart stopped and tears began welling at her eyes when she found a picture of her as a little girl and her dad taped to one of the pages in the notebook. 

  Wake me up when September ends,

"Cywren!" Cywren's best friend, Timebomb's, voice shouted from the door way as she quickly closed the notebook and attempted to wipe the tears out of her eyes. 

  She looked up at him, feeling a smile playing at her lips as she jumped up into a hug that he was giving her. He had to be honest, he was extremely horrified for her. She'd been through enough as it was with losing her mother; but now her dad too? That's crossing boundaries for him. 

  Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars,

"I missed you..." Cywren whispered as Timebomb placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head, trying to make her feel better. 

"I missed you, too," He whispered to her as she tightened her grip on their hug. 

  She had to be completely honest, Timebomb was the only other person she'd ever loved like family. She was scared to lose him as well. And just that thought brought her to tears. 

  Drenched in my pain again,
Becoming who we are,

"Shh... You're alright, Cywren... I've got you... I'm right here..." He cooed into her ear, calming her down in almost an instant. All she was scared of anymore was losing him as well. 

  She had three words racked up in her mind, wanting to speak them and lock her lips with his, but knowing that she can't. She doesn't know if she'll ever get the chance to. 

  That scared her as well. 

  As my memory rests,
But never forgets what I lost,

  Timebomb had eventually let go of her, allowing her to hug Veronica and Copper as well. They both made strong attempts to cheer her up, but nothing compared to Timebomb's hugs. They could make her smile despite her going through the worst day of her life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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