Just Give Me A Reason - Asyari

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Song: Just Give Me A Reason
By: P!NK
Album: The Truth About Love
Ship: Asylum x Sari
Words: 2189
[Modern AU]

Right from the start, you were a thief,
You stole my heart and I your willing victim,

  Sari stared down at her feet, feeling tears fighting against her eyelids. She knew that leaving him alone was bound to be a terrible idea, but she never expected this.

  This would've been the last thing she ever expected or wanted.

"Asylum...?" She whispered, her glossy brown eyes stared at him, but the call of his name forced two pairs of eyes to look over at her.

I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty,
And with every touch you fixed them,

"S-Sari?" He responded with shock, not quite expecting her to be there.

  She tried her hardest to hold those tears back, but she had failed. She felt a warm tear skid down her cheek as she stared at the scene before her.

"Sari? Who's Sari?" The brunette chick sitting in Asylum's lap asked, staring at Sari with an arched eyebrow.

Now you've been talking in your sleep,
Oh oh,

"Sari! I-It's not what it looks like!" He attempted to defend himself as Sari sealed her eyelids shut, more tears trailing down her flawless face.

"Not what it looks like...?" She barely managed to whisper as she bit her tongue, shaking her head at him.

"Sari! Please--"

"No..." She whispered, closing her eyes and attempting to block out him and the remainder of the world.

Things you never say to ME,
Oh oh,

"Sari!" Asylum yelled, forcing her to open her wet eyes. She felt her back against the familiar cloth that she knew was her bed sheets. Her body felt cold as she laid there, feeling her frigid hand being taken by a warm grip.

"No... G-Get away..." She tiredly snapped, removing her hand from his grip.

  He pulled his hand away from her, looking at her with a confused and hurt expression.

Tell me that you've had enough,
Of our love, our love,

"Sari? Are you okay?" He whispered as she sat up, shaking her head while staring into his saddened dark eyes.

"Who was she...?" She whispered as Asylum's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"No, no there is no one else. You had a bad dream. You're the only person I could ever love. You have to listen to me," He whispered as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry... But I can't..." She mumbled, standing up and exiting the room, leaving Asylum alone in their bedroom.

Just give me a reason,
Just a little bit's enough,

She walked out to the bathroom where she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Her eyes were red and puffy, slightly drained of their deep brown tint. Her eyelashes were damp and dark along with the bags under her eyes. Her skin was a little paler than usual and her freckles had all fled, leaving her skin a pure light tan. Her light pink lips were quivering in fear as clear drops from her eyes rode along their edge.

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