"It's not exactly a vacation, Oscar," Chase pointed out. "We're going to support Director Shaw and protect the people at the assembly."

Oscar waved him off. "They'll have security. Besides, no one is going to be stupid enough to attack the assembly."

"You'd be surprised," Stella said. "We have our fair share of enemies across the world. Even though Kismet is disbanded, Kane's philosophy inspired people. We've got to keep our guard up."

Beside her, Chase nodded. "She's right. We can't get too comfortable."

Oscar rolled his eyes at the couple. They seemed to agree on everything. Well, everything except Alastair Crane and the PRA. But that was a difficult subject—a subject that seemed to slowly be dividing their tight-knit group.

"You guys are lame," he said with a groan.

"Anyways," Director Shaw began, "we'll be leaving tomorrow morning. The conference begins the day after we arrive, so you all will have a few hours to explore the city should you want to."

Oscar's eyes lit up. While it might not have been a vacation, at least they'd be able to do something fun.

He had been to New York before, but it had been a very short trip and he had been on business for Atlas. He didn't even get to go into the city. Now, he was going to finally be able to visit Central Park. From what he could tell from the movies he'd watched, Central Park was beautiful. It was huge and full of trees—a much different site from what he was used to at The Acropolis, which was built into a mountain, and his uncle's apartment in Portland.

He'd always dreamt of taking a stroll through Central Park at night with a certain someone.

A smile tugged at his lips.

"Oh, before I forget," Director Shaw said. "My daughter will be accompanying us too. I'm hoping she'll take to the more diplomatic side of things here at Atlas. I won't be CEO forever, you know."

"Don't say that," Stella scolded. "I can't even bear to think of someone else running this place."

Andre tilted his head at the man. "You're not leaving us, are you?"

"Not anytime soon, I hope," Director Shaw replied. "But this PRA thing has me a bit worried. If it goes through, the United Nations will absorb the company. I'll most likely be forced to give up my position."

Chase scowled. "That's not going to happen, sir. I promise you that."

He gave the blond a wry smile but said nothing further.

Oscar stabbed his foot into the carpet. "Er, this probably isn't the right time, but you said Victoria is coming?" Everyone in the room groaned and rolled their eyes at him. He threw his hands up innocently. "What? It was just a question."

"Just ask her out already," Andre told him.

He stole a quick glance at Director Shaw, who simply chuckled, before replying. "It's not that easy, man. I turn into an idiot whenever I'm near her."

"You're pretty much an idiot all the time, though," Andre quipped.

"Haha, very funny."

Director Shaw stood up from his desk and walked over to the door of his exit. He opened the door and gestured out toward the hallway. "Alright, I think it's time for you all to go. You've got packing to do. Make sure to bring something nice to wear. I can't have you showing up to the assembly in jeans."

"You got it, boss," Oscar said as he left the room behind his friends. "See ya' tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Oscar," the man said with a laugh.

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