"Yeah. Cute." She started looking around my room.

"I am not cute. I thought we had this discussion before."

"Maybe you have, but I haven't it." She was rifling through my stuff. "What's this?" She held my journal filled with my songs.

"Nothing," I said snatching the book from out of her hands.

"Liar. If its nothing then why did you take it from me? Is it your journal? Am I in it?"

"It's nothing, Lace."

"Let me see it if its nothing."

"Sorry. I can't do that." I held my journal behind my back, trying to keep it out of her reach. She walked slowly towards me and I took steps away from her, until I ran into the bookcase with nowhere to run.

"Lace, what are you do-doing?"

"Oh nothing." She pushed me hard against the book case, making some of the books shift. I became helpless to do anything as I looked into her eyes. They were mesmerizing me. I felt her lips take mine into a very hungry kiss. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment. As suddenly as she kissed me, the kiss was over.

"Hey. Why'd you stop?"

She had an evil smile on her face and my journal in her hands.

"Hey! Give that back." I lunged for my journal but she was quicker.

"No." She flipped it open to the first page. I tried to grab it again from her but she moved it out of my grasp.

"Lace. I'm not kidding." She hopped onto my bed. I watched her flip through the rest of it.

"Aww. Is this one about me?"

"Lace. Can you please give me my journal back?"

"Not until you tell me if the last song on here is about me."

"Fine. It's about you. Happy now?" I was a little upset. I didn't like people reading my stuff and I know it's Lacey so it shouldn't be a problem, but it was.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I was making a pot of coffee when Lace walked in. She looked sorry?

"Are you mad at me?" I thought about it. Was I mad at her? Not really. No. I just felt uncomfortable with people reading my stuff.

"No." I mumbled not looking her in the eye.

"Then why did you leave?"

"I wanted some coffee." I was putting the coffee in the coffee maker when Lace walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snoop around your room. I just couldn't help myself. Your a mystery sometimes. I can't exactly read what goes on in that head of yours and I hate it. I want to get to know you more, but you have all these walls blocking me." Her breath tickled at my neck. "Is it crazy to think that I might be falling in love with you and I barely know anything about you?" I put the pot in the machine, pressed the on button and turned around in her arms. I held her face in my hands.

"Is it crazy to think that I might be falling in love with you and I know almost everything about you? No I don't think it's crazy, angel. It feels just right. I should be the one apologizing not you. I've always kept everything a secret, its sometimes hard for me to share things with you. So I'm sorry for being moody about my secrets." I placed a gentle kiss upon her lips.

"You don't know everything about me." She said breaking our tender moment.

"Yes. I do."

"Prove it. What's my favorite color?"

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