•An Untitled Story•

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Where do I start?

Should I Say Some pity lines or describe the pain that's in my heart?

Because I'm S
                         K --by life and the fucking happy memories it took, you wouldn't even believe the shit I been through, damn I can write a b o o k.

But it's crazy "NOW," that I'm sitting here thinking and I'm asking HOW--with a heart full of pain and regrets, trying to do my best--yet--still getting caught up in the stress.





Is the question that comes to mind.

I'm looking at my life and asking where did I lose it?

The only time I'm humble is when I'm writing, or listening to music--on some therapeutic--shit, so I type p.o.e.m.s.

Even then I still don't feel whole + some = I fell a "whole"(hole) and then "some".

Though I constantly tell myself that it'll be alright, just hold----->on, but this pain and distress seems to be too...
S T R O N G, not even drugs could pass it along--hands presently tied to the sky asking, "What's Wrong?"--with me. I'm too young, this is not how my life should be. My mind in a constant state of overthink--ing and repeating itself of resentful thoughts, leaving no peace (0%)

It's a 'dead end' as  f   a  r  as I can see.

No end of the road type shit, but a dead life and an end, as in D~E~F~E~A~T, where you begin to count your forsaken sins--having living a life of pretend--through the artificial laughs and reluctant smiles.

Sometimes I think not even life itself can, in my shoes....

walk a mile.

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