•Unchained Thoughts•

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A lot of shit goes on in my head that I




Even right now as I jot down my thoughts, my words can't seemed to be detained, like some

|crim|inal| beh| ind| a|ca|ge.

Yet, my pen became my lawyer, as it took heed to the filler paper of my peers, taking propitiation toward the magistrate of my hearing. In turn, finding these thoughts innocent.


I was confined to finding refuge on the block.

The cuffs of my introspection becoming


for my ship had sailed and it was no longer docked--by an
of negative poachers.

The assessment of these notions transpired my brain under such potion--of                     "meditation"

Such fierce "contemplation" that unhooked a rein of deep "concentration", that no longer settled this "consideration", though by numerous "penetration"--of endless mind, it finally stirred a resonating "deliberation".

My thoughts were un-chain-ed.
Waging war alongside ingenuity.

My mental capacity was limitless and the p i l l s I was handed wasn't to subdue such creativity.

These ideas were mutiny, I was going crazy presumably, yet beautifully--as the cells and atoms lodged in my cranium had increased percentage....

I was a transformed L.U.C.Y.

My thoughts were revolting.

Pledging a riot to those who upheld the social norm.

My fire arm x10 of Einstein's. >>>>>>>
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It was a massacre to mourn, but I still stood T A L L and would condemn anyone for these unchained thoughts were once again b•o•r•n.

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