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2 years later

Year: 2019

The little boy walks into his first class at the Amnesia Schoolhouse.

"Hi, Taehyung hyung!" The little boy yells when he sees his teacher, Kim Taehyung.

"Hi, Seokhun!" Taehyung yells back as he picks up Seokhun and gives him a big bear hug.

"Hey! Jimin hyung is here too!" Seokhun says as he points at Jimin who is sitting at Taehyung's desk.

"Yes, I am! Are you excited to start your first ever class with your hyung today?" Jimin asks Seokhun.

"Yes!" Seokhun exclaims excitedly. Jimin gives Seokhun a high five.

A little girl sneaks up behind Seokhun and pokes him in the back of his neck. Startled, Seokhun turns around and sees the girl giggling and running away from him.

"Hey! Come back here, Yoonji! I'm going to get you back for that!" Seokhun screams as he chases Yoonji around the classroom.

"Good luck with that one. She's all yours. Please take her with you. I can't sleep peacefully because of her," Yoongi complains. "She's too much like Hoseok. I can't handle all that energy at once!"

Hoseok is currently running after Yoonji, Hoseok and Yoongi's adopted daughter, trying to catch her and calm her down. He is laughing and teasing Seokhun, "You gotta run faster, Seokhun! I'm going to get to her first!"

Yoongi motions to the scene unfolding in front of him, Jimin, and Taehyung. "See what I mean?" Yoongi states with a complaining tone, but laughing silently to himself.

Seokjin rushes into the classroom with a lunch box in his hand. He stops to catch his breath.

"Someone is getting old," Yoongi teases Seokjin.

"That's a compliment because I get more handsome as I age," Jin retorts.

Yoongi laughs his silent laugh as Seokhun runs past his adopted father, Seokjin, at top speed. Seokjin manipulates time back a few seconds and wraps his arms around Seokhun as he passes in front of Seokjin again.

"Eomma, I'm trying to catch Yoonji! She poked me on the back of my neck. When I wasn't looking! She must pay for this!" Seokhun says confidently, scrunching his little hand into a fist.

"I admire your enthusiasm, Seokhun, but you have to remember you are in Kim Taehyung's classroom, not in Kim Taehyung's cottage where he lets you run around to your heart's content," He looks over at Taehyung who was nervously scratching his neck. "Just because you see him all the time doesn't mean that you shouldn't discipline him like all your other students, Taehyung!" Seokjin yells at Taehyung. He hands the lunch box to Seokhun and gives him a kiss on his forehead. "Eomma made this with love especially for you! I hope you enjoy your first day in school! Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go discipline my other child, Kim Taehyung," Seokjin says in his sing-song voice.

Then, Seokjin rushes after Taehyung who is trying to run away.

"Jimin-ah! Help me!" Taehyung cries as Seokjin catches up to him and pulls his ear.

"I'm sorry Taehyung! I love you, but I don't feel like having my ear pulled for you today like I did yesterday!" Jimin yells back at Taehyung, rubbing his still throbbing ear.

"We found this little runaway playing with a wild bunny outside," a voice says from the schoolhouse doorway.

The voice is coming from Jungkook who is holding the hand of a little boy.

The little boy explains to his adopted parents, Taehyung and Jimin, "It was so fluffy! I just had to pet it! So I went outside and petted it. And then it started playing with me. And then I saw it twitch it's little nose and it was so cute!"

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