Tongue Technology

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After thanking Hanbin for his help, Namjoon starts to make his way toward Tongue Technology. He wants to talk to his closest friend Yoongi who has much more experience than Namjoon does when it comes to asking a guy he likes out.

"Wait!" Hoseok calls after Namjoon, hobbling toward Namjoon on one leg as he puts his shoe on the other leg.

Namjoon waits for Hoseok to catch up.

"Appa Jung told me you are going to Tongue Technology! I want to see if there is an album there that I've been looking for a long time," Hoseok explains as he walks with Namjoon.

When they enter Tongue Technology, Yoongi yells his usual greeting to his customers.

"Welcome to Tongue Technology! If you break it, you buy it!"

Yoongi sees Namjoon the 'God of Destruction' walk into his shop and yells, "You, sir, have to pay double if you break anything which you probably will!"

Yoongi is currently trying to stack his Agust D mixtapes into a perfect mixtape tower, but he is failing epically. Hoseok enters Tongue Technology after Namjoon. When Yoongi sees Hoseok, he stares at him, wide-eyed, for a long time. Hoseok does not see it as awkward. Instead, he smiles brightly and waves at Yoongi. Yoongi forgets that his hand is near the mixtape tower that he was constructing and as he moves his hand to wave back, he knocks the mixtape tower over, spilling the mixtapes all over the counter of his check-out area.

Hoseok rushes over to help Yoongi pick up the fallen mixtapes. Their hands touch as they try to grab the same mixtape. Yoongi pulls his hand away right away. Nervously scratching his neck, Yoongi says, "Thanks for helping me."

Hoseok smiles his smile that is brighter than the sun which makes Yoongi's heart melt.

"No problem! I'm happy to help! Especially when the person I am helping is as cute as you," Hoseok croons as he places the last mixtape on top of the mixtape tower.

Yoongi blushes deeply. Namjoon chuckles to himself as he watches Hoseok and Yoongi.

Yoongi doesn't blush easily. Hoseok must be pretty special to make Yoongi blush that much, Namjoon thinks to himself.

Yoongi asks Hoseok, trying to keep his face down so that Hoseok will not notice how much he is blushing, "Is there anything in particular you are looking for?"

Hoseok answers, "Yes! For the longest time I have been trying to find J. Cole's album, Cole World: The Sideline Story. It is one of my favorite albums of all time! I listen to his songs all the time on YouTube, but I would love to have a physical copy of his album that I could always pop into my CD player whenever I want to listen to it. Sometimes listening to music the old-fashioned way in a CD player is so much more satisfying than just downloading the music onto an iPod or iPhone. You know what I mean?"

Hoseok looks at Yoongi to see if he gets what he is trying to say. Yoongi must understand because he is looking at Hoseok like he is a gift sent from heaven.

"Yes, I know exactly what you mean," Yoongi says, smiling his adorable gummy smile at Hoseok.

Now, it is Hoseok's heart's turn to melt.

"I actually have a copy of it in the back. I'll go get it. Don't miss me too much," Yoongi croons as he goes into the back of his shop where he stores his inventory.

Hoseok smiles brightly after him.

"Someone is falling for Yoongi," Namjoon teases Hoseok.

"Did you see his adorable gummy smile? How can you not melt for that smile?" Hoseok retorts, smiling wider as Yoongi reenters the room.

"I missed you a lot, Yoongi-ah!" Hoseok exclaims in his best aegyo voice.

Usually Yoongi would get annoyed with anyone doing aegyo in front of him, but he doesn't mind Hoseok doing it. It suits him.

"I found your album," Yoongi says, stretching his arm with the album in hand out to Hoseok. Before Hoseok can grab the album, Yoongi teasingly pulls it away from Hoseok who pouts.

"Before I let you have it, you have to promise me one thing," Yoongi wagers, smiling a huge gummy smile.

"Anything for you," Hoseok flirts.

This makes Yoongi smile even wider.

"Promise me you will go out with me soon. You can choose where. I just want to spend time with you," Yoongi replies, looking at the floor out of nervousness.

Hoseok hugs Yoongi tightly and answers, "I would love to go on a date with you, Yoongi-ah! How about this Friday at 2 pm?"

Yoongi blushes again. "That works for me," Yoongi answers, happy that he finally worked up the nerve to ask out the hot hip-hop instructor that had been stopping in front of his store for the last week. Hoseok had seemed to want to come in. Once, Yoongi started going toward the door to welcome Hoseok in, but before he could Hoseok rushed away.

"Can I ask you something?" Yoongi asks Hoseok.

"You can call me your hope, your angel, Hoseok-ah," Hoseok replies, teasingly.

Yoongi laughs and asks, "Okay, my hope, my angel, Hoseok-ah! Why didn't you come in earlier this week every time you stopped in front of my store?"

"To tell you the truth, I was too scared that I would come in here and talk to you and say something stupid in front of you. I have been trying to get the nerve to come in here and talk to you ever since I saw you hanging up flyers on your windows earlier this week. I thought you were so cute. I just had to talk to you! Even though I may seem outgoing, I can be shy when it comes to being around someone I really like," Hoseok admits, blushing. "So when Namjoon said he was going to your store, I decided to tag along. Namjoon gave me the nerve to come here. He is so brave. He has the phone number of the guy he has a crush on and he is going to ask him out. He came here to get some pointers from you, Yoongi-ah, before he asks his crush out. I wanted to be brave like Namjoon so I finally gathered the nerve to come here. I was going to ask you out, but you asked me first. That's even better! I don't know what I was so worried about!" Hoseok laughs, clapping his hands.

"I don't know why you were worried either, I'm the most awkward person to ever roam this planet. You have nothing to worry about! I'm the one who knocked over an entire mixtape tower when you came in because I couldn't believe you actually came in," Yoongi teases, laughing his silent laugh at himself and at Hoseok whose ears and cheeks were turning pink.

As Namjoon watches Yoongi and Hoseok laugh at each other's awkwardness, he realizes what he needs to do when he calls Seokjin. Yoongi had given him pointers unintentionally through his encounter with Hoseok.

He just has to be himself. That is the best way to go when asking someone out.

Namjoon sits down in one of Yoongi's guest bean bag chairs. He takes a deep breath before dialing Seokjin's phone number.




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