I could feel her pain as it oozed though the phone, her groans and pleas filling my body with burning rage.

"What the hell are you trying to pull old man!? Who is that you have right now? And I'm not some damn werewolf! Are you?"

"Yes actually thank you for asking." Who the hell bit my damn father? And why would they want this evil man back alive?" And don't lie to me son, this Gabby person said she bit you and you guys are ' mates ' and all this crap. And I can't believe I'm going to be a grandpa, this excites me...so much-."

"You sorry excuse for a man you better not hurt my Gabby! If you do I will make sure you are dead for real this time, I will cut off your head and-."

I heard him start clicking his damn tongue, and from whenever I was younger that meant to shut up. And unconsciously, I did just that.

"My son, you know you were always my favorite. And you still are, and that will never change. So I won't hurt any hairs on your precious Gabby, but there will be a cost. I didn't kidnap her for nothing."

I grind my teeth, wishing I could punch out his face into a bloody pulp. And I can only imagine what they are doing to her right now, because I can feel pain in my system that is coming from her.

"And what is that."

"It's obvious that you're gonna be a father, that's great - wonderful even! Your mother would be proud to-."

"You didn't call me to make chitchat old man, what's the deal here? Every second you talk makes me want to scratch out your throat even more. Cut to it."

I can hear my father sigh as he can feel sadness pass to me, I almost feel like it's real... But it soon fades away when he clears his throat.

"I do love you Liam..." He says. And I hear silence from Gabby and Chienne, and I am silent too. He never says ' I love you ' to anyone, and doesn't toss it around just for his benefit." And it hurts me that you want me dead so much. I never did anything to you except build you into the man that you are-."

"And that's what I hate you for. For making me into this."

"But you've changed. You found this Gabby person and have started a life. Chienne told me, and I am proud to call you my son and to see you sticking up to me. But I don't want you to hate me even though I loved you. And it killed me when you turned on the family to protect those...werewolfs. But son...if you really love this werewolf, I would like you to meet me tonight at the nearest gourmet restaurant. You're smart, you'll find it. And...I love you."


He hangs up, making me throw my phone in the back seat. But I soon reach back to grab it as I call Dexter. I don't like the dude that much, but I'm getting used to him. He will get this and he is the smartest one in this - I'm not saying Ernest isn't smart, but he jokes to much and is sarcastic and I can't tell if he's serious in lots of situations.

"Liam why are you calling me."

"It's Gabby - my dad - Chienne - the twins - deal - restaurant-." I start choking up as something is clogging my throat. My stomach is queasy and tears are making my eyes glossy.

"Okay! Okay! What is wrong Liam?! Stop being a baby and 'fess up!"

"My father took Gabby and he's alive and a werewolf and he's saying all this sappy shit and I am believing him and he wants to see me tonight to talk and-."

The Emergence Of The Alpha Twins  ( UNDER REVISING )Where stories live. Discover now