"Why, your ears popping or something? Turbulence? Lord knows you don't like that turbulence."

"No, it wasn't that..." I shifted uneasily. I should have waited until I was in the privacy of my own room to make this call, but I couldn't wait.

"Why was it so bad then?"

"You... know why," I mumbled bashfully.

"Am I missing something? I really don't."

I turned in my seat so that I was huddled into the window. I know it didn't make a difference, but I couldn't help it .

"I just wish you were there, that's all... and it reminded me of the time a couple weeks ago when I took you with me to New York on the jet, do you remember that?"

"Oh... Oh, Jan... okay. Yes, I remember." She chuckled.

"How much fun we had-"

"Okay, clearly you must not be the only one in the car. Why are you speaking in code? We had sex nearly the entire way there, what's the big deal?"

"Oh my god, Toni. You're so-"

"It's Joey, ain't it. And his eavesdropping self."

"Yeah. Toni says hey, Joey," I said, turning to face him. I couldn't do this right now, I had to change the subject.

"Hey, Toni."

"Can I call you back in, I don't know, 15 minutes? When I get to the hotel?"

"I don't know if I'll be awake still, Jan... why didn't you just call me then anyway?" She groaned, shifting in the bed. I hoped it was my bed. Our bed.

"I couldn't wait that long... please? It'll be quick. You don't have much to do tomorrow, do you?"

She sighed, or yawned, or something along those lines. I felt kind of bad. But I wanted to talk to her, in private, or else I knew I wouldn't sleep well tonight.

"No, rehearsals at 3, I'll probably have dinner with my sisters, visit mommy afterwards..."

"That gives you plenty of time to sleep in. 15 minutes, I promise."

"But Jan--"

"I'll call you back, Toni. Bye."

I hung up the phone and looked out the window. I loved it here in London. I never got to spend as much time as I really wanted to when I was here for work, but from what I'd seen, I could see myself living there.

"Rehearsals at the venue for tomorrow night are at 2 p.m, just so you know. And then you have a quick meeting at 11 with the crew to go over last minute set design stuff," Joey said, reading off of his phone. Oh boy, here we go.

"Yeah. Got it. Excuse me, how much further to the hotel?" I asked the driver. All this tour stuff was about to start stressing me out before it had even really started, and I needed Toni's voice back to settle my nerves a little.

"5 minutes."

"Thank you."

We arrived soon after, and as Joey and other security staff ushered me to my suite, people began to crowd the streets once again with bright camera flashes and questions pelting me from every angle.

"Janet, how is your family?"

"How is Toni?"

"Is she coming with you?"

"Will you guys ever do a song together?"

"Does your family like her?"

"Are you supporting her after her bankruptcy now?"

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