"We're still on for this afternoon, right?"

Jungkook gave his best friend a blank look, trying to remember what plans he'd agreed to in his sleep drenched state. Jimin had the tendency of calling him late at night when he wanted Jungkook to agree to any of his crazy ideas. Jungkook, who at the time just wanted to sleep would agree to anything and everything if it meant that Jimin would get off the phone and let him sleep.

He recalled Jimin calling again last night suggesting they catch the midnight premier of some super hero movie. That wasn't so bad, so agreed.

"Awesome," Jimim fist pumped the air. "By the way, can I copy your geography homework during first period, I forgot to do it last night." He said flashing Jungkook a cutesy and exaggeratedly innocent smile. Jungkook rolled his eyes, and adjusted his black scarf. He caught Jimin eyeing the scarf and stopped fidgeting with it.

People had always found it weird that Jungkook wore a scarf all around the year, even in summer. He'd resigned himself to the weird looks he got from his classmates. The thing was, he was particularly sensitive to the cold and for some reason the nape of his neck always felt chilly no matter the season. It was an irritating sensation so he'd resorted to wearing scarfs after he'd been to a dozen doctor's appointments and none of them found anything wrong with him.

"Did you really forget or did you go to Yoongi's again?" he teased the shorter boy. Jimin to his credit did not flush or betray any other feeling. In fact, his expression was too composed, Jungkook was sure that he was trying hard not to show anything. He smirked at his best friend, bumping his shoulder lightly,

"Things are going great between you two then?" he asked.

"Hush." Jimin whispered looking around them to make sure no one was listening. Considering the hallways were filled with students hanging around their lockers before homeroom just like they were doing, anyone could have been listening. "I'll fill you in later, I have to go see coach now." He said before scurrying off towards the staff room.

Jungkook smiled to himself as he took the books he would need for his morning classes. It was great seeing Jimin starting to accept that there was nothing wrong with him. The boy had been tormented over the past few months after realising that he was attracted to boys and not girls. It wasn't until he met and started hanging out with Yoongi, a college student, that he stopped thinking he was an abomination against God.

As he was walking to class, someone bumped into him nearly sending him sprawling on the floor. Luckily, he caught himself.

"Hey!" he scowled at the taller boy, but immediately calmed down when he saw that it was the student council president, Kim Namjoon.

"Sorry man." Namjoon apologised. Jungkook waved away the apology, placing both his hands that suddenly felt freezing into his pockets.

"Don't worry about it." he said and noticed the faint cloud of mist that came from his mouth as he spoke. He didn't know if it was just his imagination or if the room temperature had suddenly dropped several degrees.

He watched Namjoon walk off and frowned. The was a snow white cat following him and as the president stopped by his locker, the cat pawed at his trousers and cried out for his attention. Jungkook looked around, no one else seemed to notice the strange sight. He stood there frozen wondering if he should say something. Before he could however, Namjoon was already walking away leaving the cat looking desolate and sad, (at least he assumed it was sad). The cat walked into the opposite direction Namjoon had gone to, it was walking towards him. How was no one else seeing this.

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