(BTS) Jin When you had a bad day

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You had a pop quiz in history class and you had a lunch meeting for the upcoming sports day. To add on that you had to hand in a 6 page essay on Shake sphere tomorrow. You were sure you failed in your history test and the biology test that you had had done last week was so bad you didn't even want to look at it.

You went back home immediately after school, wanting to rest. To let out your stressful day. On the way back you thought of what event could be added on sports day. It was too stressful. The students wanted something fun and new, to be honest, it was sports what could be more interesting?

You opened the door only to be greet with an aroma of sweet tea, your favorite peach tea. You knew Jin was home. He always make tea time for you if he could because he loves spending time with you.

"Hey." He turned around as he heard you threw you keys onto the table. he went over and hug you by your waist. "How was your day?"

"It was awful." You slumped against his chest, taking in his sweet scent. His comforting scent.

"Why? Tell me about it." He brought you to the couch and made you to sit on his lap.

"I failed my history test and my biology test. Had to think a new event to satisfy our dear students on sports day." You paused and rolled your eyes. "Plus an English literature essay on Shake sphere due tomorrow."

"I bet you didn't fail your biology test, you just failed to get an A." He raised his eyebrows at you.

"Well yeah. But I study really hard on it. I spent the whole night revising, just for that test."

"And I'm sure you did well on you history test. You're just being worrisome." He patted on your shoulder as an encouragement. "You'll be able to finish you essay on time because you still have a lot of time. And I can help you think what new event you could add on sports day."

"But it's 6 page. I need to type until my fingers fall off." You pouted at him.

"You have literally 9 hours before mid night. You could still sleep for 7 hours if you finish on time. I know you treasure your sleeping time."

"I don't want to do it." You latched onto him.

"You'll start right now. You can do it while drinking your favorite tea. I also baked some blueberry scones." He pry your fingers off him and went to the bedroom to get your laptop. He set the computer on the table along with your tea and scone. "Come here and start now."

You pouted at him. "I had a hard day in school and all you want me to do is homework."

"We'll watch the 6 o'clock drama if you start doing it now. I'm sure you would love to watch that, don't you?"

"Can I start after I watch it?" You wanted to procrastinate. You wanted to spend some cozy time with your boyfriend.

"______, stop procrastinating and do your work now." He said sternly.

"Yes mom." You mocked him.

He shook his head at you.

You started to do your essay and sipping on your tea ever so often. He sat down next to you and you stared weirdly at him.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to read?" He held up his book.

"Oh, alright."

He soothed your hair. "Go back to work."

"I'm half way through."

He nodded his head. "You'll get a prize when you finish. I made you pasta for dinner."


You buried yourself back to work. His cooking and his sweet gestures comforted you. The stressful day became a happy and stress free day. You smiled at yourself, as you typed on your laptop, in content of how lucky to have Jin at your side.

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