Earth trail

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******2 weeks later******
My powers are stronger and we think we have all of them now. Mine are teleportation, I can move objects with my mind, levitation, and rare visions. Dexters are also teleportation, he can move objects with his mind, he has more frequent visions than me, and he can read anyone's mind. Our bond is stronger we can speak through our mind, we can sense when the other is hurt or upset, and we are more dangerous together than apart. Oh and by the way dad has become more stern about my drinking and my attitude. But I get it it's wrong but I'm almost 14 I can handle it. My birthday is in a week and I'm excited. Anyways today we get to test our powers on earth and it's the first time since we've lived here. I think I'm starting to like it here I get more freedom and control over my own life. But I miss Sam, dean, cas, Ruby, and Bobby.
"Sofia are you ready to go?" Asked Lucifer
"Almost give me a few minutes." I'm not even dressed yet so I hurried to my closet and I put on a light red skirt with a matching top. It is a long sleeve see threw material and I put on a spaghetti strap underneath and my skirt has the see threw material but it has an under layer. Than I put on my black heels they are small heels but they're heels. And I brushed my hair than I teleported to dexters room and he was getting dressed.
"Hey bub."
"Hey sis." Than he kissed my lips and went back to getting dressed. He matched my outfit again I don't get how he does it so well.
"Are you ready to go to earth today?" I asked
"Yeah what exactly are we doing though?"
"I think we are testing our powers."
"Hmm you know that means people are going to die today?"
"They don't have to be innocent we can make a pattern."
<are you leaving a trail for sam?>
<maybe I think it would ease him to know I'm alive at least>
<sis I->
<hey he won't know>
<how can you be sure>
<cause we are the only ones who know>
<i love you>
<I love you too> than we teleported to the living room and dad was talking to his friend that I absolutely hate. But I won't kill him cause he's dad's friend or something I don't know.
"Hey dad."
"Hey kiddos ready to go?"
"Yeah." Said dex
"What's the address?"
"126 north maple street in Detroit ." Than I left first and dex and dad were right behind me. It was beautiful's the thing I always keep my phone charged and with me at all times and with me being on earth right now it might ring. And it did it is Bobby
-Sofia ?-
-I cant talk now I have to go-

"Who was that?" Asked dad
"Bobby... can we go visit them?"
"Not today we have important things to do today."
"Yeah real soon."
"What are we doing?" Asked dex
"You guys are going to test out your powers."
"On who?"
"Really?" I asked
"Yep choose your victim and you're off."
<dex see need a type of person>
<how about grey haired ass holes>
<okay hey there's one.>
<lady's first>
<okay your loss>

I focused and I crushed his insides with a snap of my finger. He died slowly and painfully for 10 minutes. "Good job Sofia." Dad said
<hey that was a little cruel>
<didn't you read his mind?>
<what was he thinking?>
<okay yeah he deserved that>
<your turn sweetheart>

We walked down the block and he found a guy the guy held his chest. But it didn't help dex crushed his heart which a blink of an eye. "Oh nice now Sofia use your levitation on that couple."
"Okay." So I lifted them up and up and when I dropped them they landed on a roof top. Than dexter and I held hands as we walked around this town.
"It's so pretty here." I said
"Yeah but it's not as pretty as you." Said dex so I kissed him. Than we walked around than I saw someone I knew so I stopped.
"What?" said dad
<Sofia is that?>
<yes it's cas>
"Can I go talk to him?" I asked
"Sofia that's not a good idea."
"Please I just want them to know I'm alive."
"You have 5 minutes before we go that's it."
"Thanks" so I teleported to him. "Cas?"
"Ya it's me." Than he hugged me.
"What are you doing here?"
"We came to practice."
"Practice what?"
"Never mind that how is everyone?"
"Worried sick your dad is on edge he hasn't stopped looking for you."
"Tell him I'm alive and fine and that he needs to fix what he broke and tell everyone how much I miss them."
"I will but Sofia please tell me you're not killing people."
"I can't tell you that...Look I've gotta go it's our big day can't miss it."
"Wait big day for what?"
"We got our official seat at the 'table' today I love you cas see you later." Than I teleported back to dex.
"You good?" He asked
"Yeah let's go." Than we teleported to mobile Alabama.
"Go ahead." dad said so we walked down a busy street and I found someone matching our pattern. Than I killed him too and a lot of people swarmed the guy. Than we went to dexters dream place New York City.
"Oh my." Said dex
"Yep." I said smiling
"I can't believe I'm finally here." Than we walked to time square I took my heels off and i let go of his hand for a second. And than someone grabbed my hand so I turned my eyes yellow and dexter crushed him under a falling car. So we teleported home.
"Man that was fun." Said dad
"When's the meeting?" I asked
"Okay." Than me and dex went to play pool and have one beer.

******Sam POV******
I can't focus I'm going crazy. "Sam?"
"What cas?"
"I saw Sofia."
"She dexter and Lucifer were testing out their powers sam she's stronger than before, she can also teleport now."
"Oh my god where is she now?"
"I don't know but she told me to tell you to fix what you broke."
"What did I break?"
"Her heart sam by locking her up you broke her heart." Said dean as he walked into the room.
"How do I fix it?"
"You have to apologize."
"How I can't reach her?"
"I don't know well just keep looking know that's she's coming to earth more often."
"Okay is she leaving a pattern?"
"Lets go than."

******Sofia POV******
We have to sit through a boring ass meeting so we brought our sketchbooks and drew while they talked. I'm drawing a sketch for my wall I might paint something on it. Than one of the council members asked me about Ruby.
"Excuse me Dagon."
"It's Sofia."
"Sorry Sofia but um we've heard word on your friend Ruby."
"What about her?"
"She's well she's here in hell."
"What why?" I said and I put my stuff down and stood up.
"She was caught by some new guys cause she was with the Winchesters."
"Let her go that's not an excuse to drag her down here anymore do you understand?"
"Yes mam." Than I left the stupid meeting and teleported to my room. And I started drawing on my wall.

*****exactly 6 days later Lucifers POV the night before Sofia's birthday******
The kids are asleep in dexters room so I went to earth. I went to earth, more specifically to sam and dean at Bobby's house.
"Sam." I said
"Lucifer I outta kill you!"
"Chill sam I came to tell you something."
"I'm bringing Sofia and dexter by tomorrow for her birthday and I thought you outta prepare."
"She misses you sam and she's changed but for the better so if you pull any tricks you will never ever see her again."
"This doesn't make sense why do you care so much?"
"She's my daughter and I care sam I do but there's some ways I have to bend my ways and this is one of them." Than I left and went to dexters family's house and told them that we would stop by on his birthday to see them.

*******Sofia POV the next morning******
Ahhh! It's my birthday!!! So I got up and danced around than I got dressed. I put on my black and purple outfit I wore the first day we got here. And I put my heels on than dex teleported in. "Hey."
"Guess what today is."
"Hmm I don't know what?"
"I turn 14 today." I'm so happy so I kissed him and than I curled my hair so he went to get dressed. Than I put on purple lipstick, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Than I teleported to the throne room cause I knew my dad would be there.
"Hey kiddo happy birthday."
"Thanks dad." I said with a smile than dex came in and said
"What are we doing for her birthday?"
"I have plans actually it's time to go." Than he took our hands and teleported us somewhere. He covered my eyes and when we arrived he took his hands off my eyes and we are back. We are at Bobby's house and they are all waiting on the porch.

Sammys Baby GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon