introduction ;

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"Look, I know what I saw!" Ringo huffed, trying to keep up with the taller man. He regretted every single second of refusing regular exercise, his legs burning already after two minutes of running. "I'm not a science wiz, but I do know for a fact roses do not bloom in between cracks of sidewalks!"

"Will you pipe down?" John hissed, his mouth twisted and face flushed in embarrasment. "I'm not keen on strangers knowing about my stupid abilities-"

"You're doing it again!" The blue-eyed man watched the myriad of gumamelas sprout around John's feet. "So that's why you run a flower shoppe!"

The older's ears went pink at that. "My aunt owns it."

"Still," Ringo bent down and brushed a finger against a white flower, letting out an  awed sound. "Y'know, you're not the only one with the weird powers."

John scoffed, giving him an unconvinced smile. "Huh. Sure, kid."

"There's a ghost behind you."


Ringo bursted out laughing, eyes crinkling at the sides of his cheeks. John's frightened, wide eyes narrowed at him. His tense shoulders fell, arms folding defensively.

"Not fucking funny-"

"No, seriously, remember old man Desmond? From the rhyme?"

John paled visibly. "Owned a barrow in the marketplace, right? Oh fuck, he's real?"

"Uh-huh," Ringo nodded to the space beside John. "Oh, uh, he says "You should tone down the cursing, sonny". And tell his wife Molly to buy the small bouquets next time since your aunt overprices the roses."

John gazed at him, perplexed, interested, and terrified but only due to the presence of the ghost. "How did you- who are you?"

"Richard Starkey," He beamed. "I see ghosts and all that jazz."

Warmth emanated from his hand, decorated with distinguishable rings. He seemed incredibly bright and sunny for a boy who saw lingering souls. Then again, shooting flowers out of your own ass pretty much takes the cake.

"See you around, Flower Boy!"

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