The part with my heart

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Gawd just hold me, I'll make you happy I swear. I can't hold back this, I need to let out, one last time, my beating, aching, loving, desire. I'll do everything with you, I want everything with you, I want to look deep in your eyes and get lost again, I want every notification to be from you, I want to share all my favorite moments with you. I had the urge to hug and kiss and hold and wrap around you. I remember your lips like no other yet I've forgotten the taste. I want to hold your soft hands and rub my thumb across yours. I want to wipe away your tears and kiss away the pain when you're upset. I want to watch every nerdy movie and show with you. I'll read to you or sing to you at night. I'll plan dates every weekend for us. If you were mine I'd treat each day like it's the day you said yes. I'll pick you up and carry you to bed when you're too tired to walk, I'll stay home from work and take care of you when you're sick. I'll...ill....ill love you forever. I just...fuck! Sometimes I randomly say to myself "please come home to me". And I don't know where it comes from. The first thing I wanna do is Star gaze with you because we've talked about it so much. I want to cuddle you so badly. I only got to once. I don't care if you're my friend of girlfriend I want to hold you close and just sit at peace. I miss your face and your long dark hair and your glowing beautiful eyes and your gorgeous smile and even your voice. Your face is so committed to my memory and I notice all these details. Your lips have a specific shape and curve that makes me want to watch you barley even smirk or smile and kiss you. Your cheeks are prominent and makes me want to kiss them all over and have my cheek against yours when I hug you. You're so damn beautiful. My gawd. I want your soft skin against mine and I want my arms wrapped around you and I want to hold your hand and rub your back have your hair in my face and feel my heart beat against yours. Please. Just come here. I have an open spot right next to me with your name on it.

I just read over everything of yours again and it makes me smile every time. I can't help now, just imaging a kiss and I sink into it so much that I lose feeling in everything else and I drop my phone on my face. That's not what I wanted against my lips.

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