Chapter 4

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Hayden's POV~

It's about 10 am and me and Annie are getting ready to film our music video ! It's for the song "little do you know " that we did a cover for. We chose that song cause both of us have bad experiences me with an ex girlfriend and Annie with her brother passing ..

We were filming and I just couldn't help but stare at her beautiful eyes , God she was just amazingly beautiful , we got to hold hands and show our affections in the video which was amazing !

So we're planning our release party for tomorrow , because we have been working on this for a while and I'm so excited for everyone to see it !

Me and Annie walked out the doors of the set hand in hand , and got in my car, I drove to Annie's house , and we both got out and went inside ., Annie went and got changed into some sweatpants and a big tshirt , and I had some clothes with me so I put on some sweats and just a tshirt ., I sat down on the couch to watch tv and out of nowhere , Annie threw a rubber ball at my head , I instantly shot up and ran after her , I chased her all around the house until she gave up and sat on the couch , I sat down next to her and I leaned over and kissed her , and then kissed her again , and it turned into a make out session until her parents walked into the door ,

We sat up, I wrapped my arm around her , and we started watching a movie .

Kenzie's POV~

I was heading back from the mall when I saw Hayden and Annie in a car together , it kinda hurts me now that e has a girlfriend cause I never really get any time with him , but I ought to call him and ask him about it later .

*2 hours later*
*calling hayden*
Hayden- hey Kenzie, what's up??
Me- hey Hayden! when are we gonna be able to hangout?
Hayden- soon kenz i promise? My house or yours ?
Me- mine is fine haha , miss ya bestfriend
Hayden- miss ya too kenz love ya
Me- love ya too, bye.

I hung up the phone and decided to drive over to johnnys house , I ran inside and he was laying on the couch watching a show, I jumped on top of him and hugged him like crazy , he kissed me , and we got up and went to the kitchen. I toasted some bread and started to make me and Johnny some Nutella toast ., he told me it was hot that I was cooking for him, haha. I sat on the counter and johnny came up in front of me ,, " I love you Mackenzie" he blurted . " I love you too Johnny" I say.

He grabbed me around the waist and picked me up from the counter while I carried the plates of Nutella toast and we went back to the couch , I grabbed his hand and we ate Nutella toast together hand in hand , watching a movie on the couch :) . 

The next morning i got a text from hayden saying that friday night was a go:) i was so excited to hang out with my bestfriend.

end of chapter.

A/N ~ you guys kayden was just confirmed today!! i am soooo excited!! KEEP READING!!

Little Do You KnowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon