New Years Eve [HanzoXMcCree]

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Hanzo had been used to living on his own for some time now. After all this time he has never felt more free since leaving his home. Even so, the burden he carries will never lighten, no matter how many years passed.

He was roaming the streets, a light snowfall turning his black hair white and wet as he walked through the freshly piled up snow. He was getting cold, but he had no idea where to go. He kept his gaze to the floor, hands in his pockets to keep them warm. Just as he turned the corner he heard a whistle, and he looked up to see a strangely dressed man inside an empty bar.

“Hey… I could finish this by myself, but lookin’ at you I'm not sure I wanna. You look cold as death an’ I’d love some help.” The man said as he held a glass in his hand and a smile.

“... Thank you. You are very generous.” Hanzo replied, coming closer to the bar. It had a yellow glow that drew him closer. The interior feeling warm.

“See, you look warmer already, babydoll. Can I call ya babydoll?” He said as he handed Hanzo the cup.


“Well, I like that even better.”

Hanzo spent some time with the cowboy, talking lightly and drinking together. He was usually closed off and kept to himself, but this man, this Jesse McCree was making him talk like if they were old friends. Hanzo knew that it was the alcohol making him act this way, but the warming feeling inside him was because of this cowboy.

“So you headin’ anywhere tonight Hanzo? A man like you has to have someplace to go on new years.” McCree said as he finished his drink, pouring him and Hanzo the last of the bottle. He knew to take it slow with this brand, but he didn't even notice that Hanzo had drank more than him.

“I've got nowhere to go tonight cowboy.” Hanzo said as he played with his glass.

“Really? No friends?”



Hanzo scoffed and chuckled. “None.”


“All gone. It's just me.” Hanzo said with a lower tone, placing the glass down on the table.

McCree looked at Hanzo as if with pity, but the truth was that McCree new the same feeling that Hanzo was experiencing right now. Alone, after losing family.

“I'm sorry to hear that.” McCree moved closer to Hanzo, then man shrugging and shaking his head.

“Don't feel sorry for me. I've been like this for some time now. I think I should be heading back now.” Hanzo admitted, then got out of the chair, tumbling slightly.

“Whoa there!” McCree quickly Got up and held Hanzo, the man chuckling and holding onto the cowboy. He jumped, startled when he felt Hanzo grip his crotch to keep himself leveled. Jesse cleared his throat and stood Hanzo up, dusting himself off.

“I'm not lettin’ ya walk all the way back to wherever you might be goin’ to. Come on I'll take ya there.”

“I don't… have anywhere to stay tonight.” Hanzo said as he scratched the back of his head. McCree smiled, his heart thumping for this man.

“Looks like you're stain’ with me tonight. Come on, my room is upstairs.” McCree said as he headed to the back of the bar, the stairs in the small hallways behind it.

“Thank you… I cannot thank you enough.” Hanzo said as he walked up the stairs first.

“You'll find a way to repay me.” McCree smirked and looked Hanzo over as he climbed the stairs. 'Saddle up’, he thought to himself, following Hanzo up the stairs.

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