Day Out [GenjiXMercy]

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Dr. ZIegler stood in front of Genji Shimada, the latest patient she had admitted into her infirmary after joining the group known as Overwatch. She had put much time and resources into his recovery, mostly because she had to reconstruct his body after he suffered so much trauma. She watched him in a casual t-shirt, sitting up on a hospital bed with a few plates of food in front of him. They were his favorite dishes when he was younger. The doctor was running some test, and after all this time of living off medication, vitamins and sending food directly to his stomach, he had the chance to use his mouth again.

"It still smells the same..." Genji said as he hesitantly grabbed the chopsticks, afraid of what would happen next.

"That's good! It means your sense of smell is still working. Now we just have to see if your other senses still work well. Come on now, try the food." Angela encouraged the man to try the food, anxiously watching him as he took a mouthful of noodles into his mouth.

Genji recoiled, suddenly tossing the plate aside with an angry growl.

"What's wrong?! Was it too hot? Maybe your sensors are too high. I can-"

"It taste like nothing." Genji said simply, looking at his hands with a plain expression on his face.

"Oh, well then I definitely have more work to do. I'll start as soon as-" The doctor started, but was quickly cut off by the man's angered voice.

"Just leave."

"What? Genji I can help you. All you have to do is give me a chance. I'll take a look at your systems again and-"

"Leave." He repeated, his hands tightening into fist.

"Genji I am your doctor. The least let me try to-"

"LEAVE!" Genji shouted, making the woman recoil away from him in shock.

Angela lowered her gaze to Genji, watching his jaw tightening. She excused herself and left the man alone, only to have him break down. Soft sobs came from him, followed by a few small tear drops landing on the white sheets that laid over his lap. He was no longer a man. He was practically a machine. So much of him was metal now that he wondered what was real and what was artificial.  He laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, losing himself in his thoughts.

Some time later Genji woke up with a groan, realizing that he had fallen asleep in the most uncomfortable position he could find himself resting in. Sleeping on his back always did a number on his spine, artificial or not. When he moved the sheets off himself to get out of bed he noticed the broken food bowl on the floor. He remembered what he did in that moment out of spite, but all he could feel was regret. The doctor was always kind and gentle with him, and the way he reacted was unacceptable. She did that as a kind gesture, not because he asked of it.

"Angela..." Genji spoke her name, but stopped at an odd feeling in his mouth. He smoothed two fingers over the organ, furrowing his brows at an odd sensation.

"My tongue is numb? How did..." Genji widened his eyes and looked at the bowl on the floor, realizing that the experiment wasn't a complete waste.

"I must tell Angela." He moved out of bed and quickly ran out the door, only to come back and start cleaning up the mess he had made.

"Baka! You know better than to make such a mess."

After he cleaned it all up, Genji made his way to the doctor's office, needing to tell her what had happened. He knew exactly where it was, it being the place where he had to report to every time his systems weren't functioning properly. Long nights of him lying still and Dr. Ziegler working endlessly on him. Even more of a reason to thank her. Once Genji made it to the office he let himself in, talking out of the blue to get the woman's attention.

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