"Speak of the devil," Calvin stated, as he released Harry. "You're the fucking prick that blew me off this morning."

    "Blame her, not me," Louis said, referring to his girlfriend, as the two made their way to the group.

    "Don't start with me; it's been a long weekend for me and I forgot to charge my phone," Eleanor argued, though her voice remained sweet.

    Eleanor was a very kind hearted person, with a beautiful complexion. Her popularity matched with Louis's, though their personalities completely differed. She wasn't known for being a troublemaker or the class clown like her boyfriend, but instead famous as the girl who was captain of the volleyball team and president of her junior class. Nobody ever understood why she was interested in someone like Louis.

    But she got swept away with the teen. Despite his reputation, Louis was actually a very considerate and loving boyfriend. He always drove her to school and back, constantly surprised her with gifts, and made sure she got a goodnight and goodmorning text ever single time.

    "Whatever," Calvin said, with a roll of his eyes, turning his attention back to Louis. "We're still on for Saturday, right?"

"Oh, fuck yeah, I'm not missing that." Louis smiled, making Harry furrow his eyebrows.

"What's happening Saturday?" he asked in confusion. He knew Friday was Louis's birthday and they had a usually tradition, ever since they were kids, of staying at Louis's house to play video games and see who could eat the most pizzas without vomiting. Thankfully, though, neither of them had ever reached that point, and Louis always won from Harry stopping at his seventh or eighth slice.

"I'm getting my tattoo," Louis explained, leaning against one of the lockers. "I've always said I'm getting one as soon as I turn eighteen."

"Oh," Harry responded, lowering his eyes. He felt a little sting erupt through his chest. He knew Louis always wanted a tattoo; he'd never stopped talking about it since their preteens; however, he did not invite Harry, nor even tell him about the appointment.

Harry couldn't help, but feel the jealousy boiling up inside of him. He was adherent and very attached to Louis in a way where he felt uncomfortable if Louis was not around. If Louis didn't go to school, Harry would spend the whole day going in and out of the school's counselor's office, crying from anxiety. When they would get new classes each semester and Louis didn't have the same lunch period as him, Harry would go and rearrange his whole schedule to make sure they could eat together. If Harry did anything outside of his house, Louis was around. Louis had to be around; Harry needed him.

"You wanna come?" the feathered haired boy asked. "I thought you would've hated it, because of the needle and all."

Harry bit his lower lip, slowly lifting his head to make eye contact. "Well, um, if you already have plans and all; I don't want to be an inconvenience-"

"Haz, if you don't go, you're just gonna whine and bitch, so just say okay."

"Okay," the curly haired boy agreed, just as the warning bell rang.

-    -    -

"It's almost eight."

Niall sat in the far corner of the room, barely catching Luke glimpsing at the watch around his wrist. It was a silver electronic one that he had gotten as a present. It told you the time, day of the week, and date. Over time though, Luke found the device, though useful, extremely depression.

"Yeah, so?" Niall questioned, his back pressed against the bathroom door.

"On weekdays, he comes in around eight, I think right before he goes to work. He'll come maybe two . . . three times a day."


The past three days had been nothing but nerve-racking for the young teenage boy. He'd only seen his captor once, but it was the most terrifying, disturbing thing he had ever encountered. He wasn't assaulted or harmed in any way, despite the tender red marks around his wrist, but he was touched.

Not in a sexually way, per se, more so in a way you would try and calm your lover. In a way that Niall felt completely awkward with having another man touch him like.

After that day, Luke was given permission to release Niall from his bounds if he promised to be quiet. He tried his best to explain the situation to his classmate, but even himself couldn't understand it.

Luke was not the same laid-back, worried-free teen Niall last saw him as. He appeared completely drained, barely even responding to Niall's questions, and had an empty look in his eyes. Niall could never comprehend what Luke must've gone through, but what feared him the most was that he was going to end up just like him.

"Luke, what's with the whole daddy thing?" Luke scoffed over the question, but with no verbal response, Niall continued. "Really, why does Z-"

"Wouldn't say his name in case he can hear you," Luke quickly deadpanned, making Niall scrunch his eyebrows in confusion, as the older lad stared at him, a solemn look plastered on his face. "Seriously, he hates it. And trust me when I say, you don't want to piss him off. As for the name thing . . . I don't know. Look, I'm all for the daddy kink; Arzaylea called me it all the time when we fucked, he just takes it to a new level."

"Oh," Niall repeated himself. He didn't have any good response when Luke answered his questions. He didn't know what to say. How did you respond to that?

"Yeah," Luke breathed, letting his head rest against the dirty brown wall, his eyes drooped, as he stared blankly ahead.

There was a long pause in the room. Niall managed to calm down after the first night, mainly because he was too tired to have his adrenaline rise, but a thought in his head hadn't left his mind since the first time he saw the captor with Luke.

When he was in that bound position, all he could do was stare, as the man touched Luke, similar to Niall, but more intense. He kept kissing Luke, small pecks coating his cheeks and lips, and stroking his hair. Luke just sat there and let him do whatever he wanted, with an non-existing expression on his face. Truly, he'd looked broken.

"Luke, did you guys . . . did he ever-"

"I don't want to talk about."

Niall's eyes widened in horror, as his thoughts became a reality. He stared at Luke's figure, his posture, his eyes; Luke was empty. Everything he was, his persona, his spirit, had been swept away like dust. He was beaten down.

"Shit Luke, I'm-"

"Niall, I said I don't want to fucking talk about it!" Luke raised his voice, making the other blonde flinch from his sudden change in attitude.

    Luke didn't want to think about what happened to him, what was happening to him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape it though. Every time he closed his eyes, he could feel it. That bottomless pit forming in stomach, that made him physically sick.

    The two boys froze, as they heard the scuffle above.

    "Daddy's up," Luke sang, having Niall stare at him in fright.

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