Music Video{6}

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"Shawn you suck!" I said to my boyfriend. I had been trying to get him to show me the music video for TNHMB since it was finished and you know, I am his girlfriend, but he absolutely would not show me. He was "making me was just like everyone else."

"Babe, its gonna be just as good when it's released. If I let you see it early, I ruin the fun." He shrugged as he turned onto his street.

"No this is not fair." I hugged and crossed my arms.

"Princess.." he looked over at me before looking back at the road. I didn't reply instead I stared out the window into the night sky until we pulled into his driveway. We planned to have a sleepover and celebrate his new music video with his family.

I opened the door and grabbed my bag from the backseat with all my clothes and stuff in it before glancing at Shawn. A smirk was evident across his face.

"Why are you smirking?" I said as monotone as I could manage. I had to get my point across somehow.

"You're just cute." He grinned.

"I am trying to be mad at you. Can you not compliment me and make me smile for like 5 minutes please?" A smile grew on my face. Honestly why was he so sweet? Why can't I just be mad at him?

"I'll show you 1 clip from the video. One. But then, you have to wait until midnight for the whole thing." He said very seriously. We were still standing in the middle of his driveway in the street light.

"Okay I guess that's as good as I'm gonna get." I shrugged before we both walked inside his house. "Okay show me right now." I said as we got inside his room and I sat down on his bed.

"Okay okay." He pulled out his phone and scrolled to something. "Ready?" He asked as he turned it around.

"Duh!!" I grabbed his phone from his large hands and pressed play. Literally a 3 second video of him smiling at a girl is all that played. "Shawn you're literally joking." I said as I looked at him a grin was dancing through his face.

"That's a clip isn't it? I didn't lie to you." He shrugged.

"Honestly I hate you." I said as I gave his phone back. I glared at him as I stood up walking towards his dresser.

"No you don't. You love me." He smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully as I pulled open his tshirt drawer and pulled out my favorite one. I slipped my own tank top off my head and slid his tshirt on instead and changed from my jean shorts to a pair of Nike shorts.

"I'm mad at you. Don't look at me." I said as I crawled into his side of the bed and got under the covers.

"I wish you'd wear Nike shorts and my shirts everyday. You look so good in them." He said grinning. "Also you're on my side of the bed baby girl." He said as his changed into a pair of sweatpants. My heart fluttered at the sound of him calling me 'babygirl'.

"I know. It smells good." I said shrugging as I fought back a grin.

"Fine." He walked around and slipped his arms under me before scooting me over to my own side of the bed. He crawled in beside me and pulled me into his warm body.

"I'm ready for the video now Shawn." I said after we laid in silence for a couple minutes. He clicked his phone.

"30 minutes. Let's watch Greys anatomy until it comes out." He suggested. I agreed and he turned on the next episode.

"Have you watched without me?" I asked when I didn't recognize where we were.

"Um, no? Maybe. I don't know." He stuttered over his words.

"Shawn!" I said fake pouting.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." He said holding his hands up.

"God you're lucky you're so hot." I said giggling.

"I love you." He kissed my temple.

"I love you more Mendes. Now be quiet so time will go faster. I need to see this video."

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