Old Friends{4}

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I scrolled through Instagram as I sat on my couch. I got bored of looking through everyone I followed posts so I decided to look through the explore page. I saw a picture of Shawn in a tux and clicked on it. I read the caption and soon found my self about 10 Instagram accounts deep stalking his life and what he's been up to. I'm from the same town he is and we were good friends when we were kids but I haven't seen him since he got famous and ran off to tour about 3 years ago. Even then we weren't even on friendly terms. Just kind see each other and do a head nod and keep walking.

Anyways as I continued to scroll i understood that he had become the face for the newest Armani campaign and my heart fluttered at how at he'd grown. He is so popular now and I'm honestly beyond proud of him. I closed out of Instagram and decided to go to sleep.

The next morning I got up and showered and got ready to go meet my bestfriend for breakfast. I grabbed my keys and headed to the restaurant I eat supposed to meet her at. I found her already at a table waiting so I joined her. I told her about Shawn and she once again like always told me that I was madly in love with him and needed to find him and tell him. I rolled my eyes giggling.

"Y/n?" I heard someone say my name and turned around. I found the one and only Shawn Mendes standing there with his little sister.

"Yes it's me.. hi." I spoke shyly. I was shocked from his sudden interest in me considering the last few encounters we'd had were just a wave and smile then keep walking.

"Hi Shawn! How are you? Why don't you two join us for breakfast?" I heard my bestfriends voice from behind me. Shawn nodded his head smiling before sitting in the chair beside me.

"How've you been?" He asked looking at me with a large smile.

"Oh you know. Working. Getting ready for college. The regular stuff." I shrugged. He smiled at my reply before turning to the waitress who was now at our table to take his drink order. He ordered a orange juice while his sister got chocolate milk.

"How's college stuff going?" I was super confused as to why he was so interested in me this time. Did I look that much different?

"Great actually. I might be going to New York though. I got accepted to NYU." I said blushing as I looked down.

"That's incredible. I always knew you'd make it out of here." How ironic of him to say.

"Talk about making it out of here, you've made it big huh?" I swirled my coffee around in its mug.

"I guess so huh?" He grinned as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"I'm proud of you Shawn." I said genuinely. He blushed an even deeper shade before mumbling out a thank you. Suddenly the waitress appeared again with a notepad to take our orders. We all ordered and when she walked away an awkward silence took over.

"Y/n, I've really missed you." I heard Shawn's whisper in my ear while my bestfriend and his sister laughed loudly about something. Red spread across my cheeks yet again.

"I missed you too." I said honestly. A large grin spread on both our faces.

After we had all finished eating about 25 minutes later, we were all just talking.

"Shawn why don't you let me take your sister and hang out for a while today? I want to take her to do girly stuff!" She grinned at me and I knew why she did it.

"Okay. I'm sure mom won't mind! Have fun!" We said goodbye and they both left leaving Shawn and I alone at the table.

"So does this mean I'm stuck with you today?" I asked giggling.

"Guess so?" He shrugged before smirking. We got our stuff and headed outside of the restaurant. "If you wanna leave your car here, you can ride with me and I'll bring you back to it later?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Okay that's fine." I said smiling as we both climbed into his Jeep. "Shawn I literally love your car." I said gawking at it.

"You literally drive the same thing but in white y/n." He said chuckling.

"But I should have gotten black because I love yours more." I said giggling. He smirked before pulling out of the parking lot. "Also where are we going?" I asked as we headed down the road.

"Surprise." He shrugged.

Almost 3 hours later, we had spent so much money at the arcade playing stupid games. We would come here all the time as kids.

"Shawn I've had so much fun. Thanks for bringing me here." I said honestly. It was so nice to just get away from. Won't grown up for awhile.

"Of course. Thanks for coming!" He smiled. We stared into each other's eyes and I could feel his breath on my nose. I glanced at his soft lips and thought about how bad I wanted to kiss them. He must've read my mind because suddenly his lips were on mine.

"Thanks for that." I smirked as we pulled away.

"I'm so glad I ran into you this morning." He grinned pecking my lips once again.

"Me too Mendes, me too."

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