Face Time ( Part 2 )

Começar do início

Ming : that's p'forth

Ming : that's p'forth

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Beam : what the......forth?

Kit : err beam i think your boyfriend played with ming to much

Beam : i think that too kit....

Kit : i'm sorry beam, but now you know how embarrased i am for having such a childish narcissist boyfriend like ming

Beam : you must be so embarresed, ai ming what are doing right there? why are you hiding?

Beam : you must be so embarresed, ai ming what are doing right there? why are you hiding?

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Ming : sstt...i'm hiding from p'forth, p'beam

Forth : Found you! haha come here ming, don't you dare to run from me again, say goodbye to your - not so - Hollywood celeberity face !

Forth : Found you! haha come here ming, don't you dare to run from me again, say goodbye to your - not  so - Hollywood celeberity face !

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Ming : no no no no! p' ! that's not fair!

forth : well yeah it is, now because you're lost you have too buy me something

Ming : what?! we didn't talk about this! no!

forth : no, you have to! follow me

Kit & Beam : * chuckled as they see Ming face when forth told him to follow him *

Kit : it's okay ming, just do what your senior told you to do hahahah

Ming : au, you guys are the same....

forth : ai ming, give me the phone i want to talk to Beam, you can pay for it now

Kit : here you hold the phone beam, i will let you talk to him first, just tell me when Ming is there. i wanna go to the bathroom

forth : my wife!!

Beam : whaatt

forth : so, You finally admit it if you are my wife?

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forth : so, You finally admit it if you are my wife?

Beam : no you crazy! i never admitted if i am your wife

forth : au, but you answer me when i call you my wife

Beam : you want me to answer you or not?

forth : of course i want, i'm just joking babe hehe. oh and Beam i bought this for you, i know it's not that much but it's enough to tell you that i love you Beam

 oh and Beam i bought this for you, i know it's not that much but it's enough to tell you that i love you Beam

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Beam : aw that's so cute, thank you forth for always remember me wherever you are

forth : that's because i love you so much Beam

Beam : well, i love you too forth * blushing *

forth : you're so cute when you're blushing beam, i wanna pinch your cheek

Beam : shut up!

Ming : p'forth! come here, i have something to tell you

forth : what? about that?? really? wait wait

forth : beam, ai kit we will face time you again later na? i have something to do. bye! love you beam!

Ming : P'Kit! good bye! i have a good news for you when we face time you again later! love you p'kit!

Kit & Beam : okay then, bye~

- facetime has ended -

" goodnews? about what? " asked Beam frowned

Kit shrugged his shoulders " i don't have any idea, just wait for them to facetime us again "

Beam nods his head " yeah, we will just wait "

2 Moons the series : Chatroom and Oneshoot  ( Boy x Boy ) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora