Jane the Killer: Retold

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Look, I never wanted to be like this. I never wanted to be well "Insane". But someone made me like this..Someone I loathe. No words can describe the burning hatred towards the one behind this. I have to hide my ugly self behind a porcelain guise. Behind a mask that isn't me! I endured the mental pain and physical pain he had caused me. My burning ambition is to fulfill one self mission:

Kill. Kill Jeffery Woods. End the bastard's life. The bastard who ruined my life.

I try to forget..Forget my past life. There's now going back now haha.. I wondered what happened, he was such a nice kid. His brother Liu was too. But now..Now Liu is dead..Gone. A memory lingers. How Liu had taken the blame, the blame of Jeff beating those kids.. What were their names again..Oh! Randy, Troy, and Keith. I still can't believe what happened back then.. Those bullies..Randy and his gang, they were the ones responsible. Driving Jeff on the brink of insanity, well, I believe he was insane already to begin with. I regret trying to help Jeff now, but my old self had to be ever so naive. Trying to help him, and ending up embarrassing myself by becoming unconscious trying to deliver the damn fire extinguisher. The bleached bitch had it coming (nearly dying).

I woke up in a hospital, my head was killing me. Everyone praised me as a hero, trying to help and all. Back then, I took the honor. The honor of saving him. Everyday, I regret ever trying. A stupid little action, something that would drive my future downhill. His (Jeff's) Mother thanked me and invited me to dinner. At the time I obliged of course, I didn't want to seem rude. Ugh, I can't believe that, that nurse called Jeff my "Boyfriend". I just wanted to know if he was okay, not kiss his disgusting face.

I had no contact with them (Jeff and his family) for about two days, after my release from the hospital. Well, the next day I heard rumors flutter by. My friends teased me about having a crush with Jeff. Okay. Just gross. No way. Not in a billion years. Not even in a millennium, would I ever date that bastard.

Liu had came to me that day to tell me about a call to tell me about the dinner, even with him thanking me for the whole 'Fire extinguisher hero'. I smile crept up to my face, I enjoyed that memory. Oh how I miss Liu, sweet and loving, not as a lover. More as a..Brother? Or a friendly manner. I'm getting off topic. Well, that fateful day was certainly an interesting one. I received a call, clarifying my arrival of the dinner. The dinner where I will loose it all. My name. My family. My friends. My life. Jeff. It was all his fault. I had passed out apparently, and when I woke, I saw that pale dastardly face. The face of a killer. A carved smile and widened eyes. A sight I can never forget. His parents well dead. Carved. My parents..Dead and carved.. Liu..Dead. The smell of the room was putrid. Disgusting. It was the smell of death.

I tried to scream. But nothing would come out. He (Jeff) laughed at me. I called him a 'Joker reject', he deserved it personally. He does look like one. With those scars, that sinister smile, the pale face, and those black lined eyes! The perfect joker indeed. Well, I couldn't do anything but cry back then, I was so weak goddamn it.

I changed that night. Mentally and physically. When I woke up, I was in a hospital. Again.I was confused. No where to run. No where to go. No one to go to. And after my surgery? Oh ahaha I looked hideous. That fucking bastard. That lying deceiving bastard made me lose my wondrous beauty. At least that damn bitch was kind enough to give me the porcelain mask I wear today, and other needs. But mark my words, I will never forgive him for what he did.

I, Jane Arkensaw will never stop my hunt. I will never end my mission. I will receive my victory. I will gain vengeance. I will kill him and end his game.

Oh? And to the person reading this:

Don't go to sleep, you won't wake up.

Don't listen to Jeff, listen to me and me only. Or you will pay the price..Eith your life ahahaha..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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