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"It's okay to get lost every once in a while, sometimes getting lost is how we find ourselves."
-Robert Tew

12th January

Today your ex who I belive was called Jimin visited our house. He asked for your number and said that he wanted to apologise and catch up with you. He said he missed you since he last saw you and he hoped you could be friends again so being the person I am I gave him your number not wanting to look rude.

When you came home I told you about it and you said you had already received a text and had already made plans for a meet up, when I asked when you were going to see him you said that it doesn't matter and kissed me on the forehead before we went to sleep.

Thinking about it it's funny how relationships can change you so much. I've  realised that I've become alot more wary of who you talk to now and I always get jealous when you talk to people, even if it's Yoongi when your at the Lamb Skewer shop you share, maybe I was thinking to far ahead you wouldnt leave me for anyone else right?

I still remember when we sat by the river at sunset and promised eachother that we would never grow apart, it was on the day you told me that you loved me; the day you accepted my imperfections and promised that you loved me for who I am. You said  that we would be together forever. You said that it was a moment you would never forget.

~ Taetae

 Writing to You | Kth.Jjk Where stories live. Discover now