Throw it away

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     "Hold up..." The blonde petite girl scratched her head confused. "So, you're telling me this thing just appeared here." She finished, throwing herself unto the couch. Groaning as she adjusted to the hard, unused furniture. 

"Seems like so." James replied, leaning against the wall. The white mask, with black eyes and lips covered his face. Just like Maskettes.  "This isn't real. You kidding right?" Jenn stepped closer to the mirror, lightly punching it on the golden engraved side.

    Everyone had forgotten Slendy was there, dismissing every thought as they heared a 'Hm'.  "We should take precautions." The female humanoid started, grapsing the mirror with her long, pale, cold hands. Maskette suddenly spoke shily from the shadow's. "M-maybe we should t-throw it away?" She asked, earning a laugh from Jenn and Benny. 

    Benny and Jenn gave each other mischievous looks, and exchamge of a fot of giggles. Everyone that was present knew they were up to no good. And that means no good. Jenn suddenly shot up, her carved in bloody smile seemed to grow larger, "Didn't know that was possible..." Benny thought, giving a shrug.

"How about if we take care of it..?" Emphasizing 'We' meaning Benny and her.

Everyone stood still, frozen, thinking if it was even a good idea.

"No." Maskette said sternly, her red glowing eyes seemed to intensofy.

"Hahaha! Good joke Jenn!"  Ticci Tobi laughed, and gripped her own stomach, resting against Eyeless Jackie.

"I will be able to hel--" Jackie began.

"That's a no." A voice echoed through the hall's,  a white, grey-ish figure appearing before Jenn. The black eyes staring into the psychos own unsane eyes.

"Throw it away." It said again, looking over towards slenderwoman and nodding.

The thing quickly sprinted away before Jenn could protest.

Slendy quickly disappeared along with the mirror, and everyone else. Jenn just groaned and walked out, "I'm going on a killing spree. Bye." She muttered, walking out of the house and into the woods.

Benny just nodded, hearing a light, "Tap". She looked over, her blonde strikes covering his right eye but seeing clearly from the other. Benny groggly sat up and walmed over to it, picking it up and reading slowly.

    "Dear  Benny,

             I hope you like the present I gave you. It is for Jenn also, but I know you will like it the most. Beware of the consequences, sometimes the temptation is enough to destroy you. This is just like a game, a labyrinth, a maze. 

Good luck!


Reflection (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz