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You walked into your house, it was dark and your Mom was already at work for the night.

You were alone.

You wanted so much to be with Steve but Bucky was right.

You both just needed a little time to cool off and think about things.

You had to apologize that was for sure.
You also had to be honest.


You headed to your room and climbed into bed pulling the covers over you.

After half an hour of staring at the dark ceiling you drifted to sleep.

You could see Steve running through the mud. He had a gun in his hand. A gun bigger than his arm.

He was in uniform. He was alone.

You stood watching him. Maybe he didn't see you.

There was all this noise like there were hundreds of soldiers out there with him but you could only see him.

He was running, faster and faster.

Voices yelled in English and German.
They seemed to get louder the farther Steve ran.

"Steve stop!" A familiar voice shouted.

Then a loud explosion and fire.

Steve was gone.

You shot up panting and gasping for air.

"Elle!" You looked over it was Steve on the couch. He jumped up and rushed over to you.

The sun was almost up.

"What's wrong doll?" He asked with concern.

You were still breathing too hard to answer so you just shook your head.

"Just relax. It was just a dream. It's okay. You're okay. Just breath baby."

After a few minutes you were calm enough to speak but your heart was still pounding.

"What were you dreaming about?" He finally asked.

"I..I saw you die Steven."

His eyes widened.

"In the war. I saw you step on a land mine and die."

His brows furrowed. "Elle I'm-"

"I know. You're sorry."

"It won't be like that."

"You don't know that."

"And you don't know that it will."

"Bucky told me." You bit back.

He sighed,"I told him not to. You're too sensitive."

"I'm not. I shouldn't know what you're getting yourself into. I love you and I don't want you to get hurt. Ever."

"That's not very plausible Elle."

"I know. But a girl can try."

"You won't lose me Elle. Ever. I'm all yours and as long as I have you I have a reason to live and come back."

You smiled.

The loud ringing of your alarm clock startled you.

"It's just the alarm. You're okay. Im okay." Steve pointed out.

You nervously grinned.

"I love you so much." He added.

"I..." you paused," I need to tell you something."

He nodded, "what is it?"

"I um." You swallowed a lump in your throat.

"It's okay. What ever it is, it'll be okay."

That made you smile on the inside.
On the outside however your face was expressionless.

You looked away.

"I'm not just a waitress. Well I am but I work at a gentleman's club."

You were silent.
He was silent.

You didn't want to look at him.

"I wear tight dresses and tons of makeup and serve men their food. They don't get to touch me, I don't take my clothes off. But I do get hit on and I have to be flirtatious with them." You didn't know what else to say.

"I'm so sorry Steven. I couldn't find another job and this one pays well enough for me to quit soon. I planned on quitting before you could find out but...I had to tell you."

"I don't know what to say Elle."

Your heart broke.

"It's hard to kind of wrap my head around."

This was it.

"I can't imagine men hitting on you and drooling over you. It...are you safe there? They don't hurt you do they?"

"Wait. What? You're not mad."

He shook his head,"I will be if any of them lay a hand on you."

You smiled so widely and let out a soft laugh.

"I'm so relieved. I thought you'd hate me. Or be disgusted or both."

He laughed. "Of course not. I love you Elle. I know you're not that kind of girl. I know you. I just..I wish you didn't have to work there but I'm not upset that you do."

"I'm so glad. Now I've gotta get dressed so shoo!"

"I'm taking you to work!" He informed as he got off of your bed and walked out of the room.

Another update! I'm on a roll! Make sure to vote & comment tell me what you think.

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