Don't Do It

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Today I was able to finish signing everything to sign my business over

Cam actually came with me to support me, so that was nice of him

We went to breakfast afterwards and I already know what he's waiting to ask me

"Have you decided yet?" he asks sipping from his drink

"I'm leaning towards yes...I just need more time to think" I reply

"Well I'm leaving on the PJ tomorrow babe and I want you to be sitting next to me" he responds grabbing my hand

Leaving New York right now sounds good and seeing new faces

I don't usually take chances, but this time I am

"Ok, what time should I be ready tomorrow?" I ask

"8P.M we'll be gone" he answers leaning in for a kiss
Before I leave I wanted to make sure I said my goodbyes to Shannon, Heather and Jessica

I invited them over and I'm kind of nervous to hear their response

The doorbell rang throughout my house and I ran to open the door

After the initial hugs and hellos we all sat down on the stools surrounding the island

"So I have a HUGE announcement to tell you all" I say loudly

"I'm assuming it has something to do with this new ring on your finger" Shannon responds grabbing my hand

"Whatever happened to Odell?" Jessica asks

I was stumbled by that question and answered "we're just better off as friends"

"So Cam's the one" Heather chimes in

"I think so...I'm going to give it one more try"

"Well I better be a bridesmaid" Shannon adds

"You ALL will be, there's just one problem" I continue

"What?" Jessica asks

"I'm moving back with him to North Carolina and we are leaving tomorrow"

They all had the same shocked expression on their face until Heather said "Does Odell already know this?"

"What about Jarvis?" Shannon adds

"I guess I'll have to tell him at some point"

"Well you're running out of time!" Jessica exclaims taking my phone off the charger and sliding it to me

I texted Odell and Jarvis to meet me here in one hour, but I know this won't go too well

Shannon, Heather and Jessica went their separate ways and we agreed to meet tomorrow before I leave

I heard the doorbell ring again and it was Odell

He happened to be shirtless, which doesn't make this any easier

"Did you just come from practice?" I ask letting him in

"Yea, but you said it was major so I came here first" he answered pulling me into a hug

"Don't you want to shower and relax a little?" I asked trying to control my laughter

"Well are you going to allow me to use yours?"

"Sure, follow me" I say as I start walking upstairs

He walked into my room and shut the door

"Here Dell" I said handing him a towel

He just stared at me and smirked

"Are you there?" I said waving my hand in his face and he started laughing

"You haven't called me that in a while Mel" he said grabbing the towel

"Oh..." I answered trying to break the awkwardness

But he did that when he started undressing right in front of me

"Ummm Odell.." I laughed turning around

"Nothing you can't see" he laughed

I can imagine the look on his face right now "I'll be waiting on my bed for you"

"Ok get ready then" he responded

"ODELL! I didn't mean it like that!" I said falling back onto my bed

Ten minutes went by and all I thought about was if I was doing the right thing

Odell came out with the towel wrapped around his waist and sat next to me on my bed

I sat up and laughed at his wet curls "Odell look at your hair" as I ran my fingers through it

He started laughing to and then our eyes met and that's exactly what I wanted to avoid

He started leaning in and I wasn't going to stop him, so I'm glad the doorbell did

"Ummm..." I said awkwardly standing up and he had a big smirk on his face

"I'm going to...ummm...get the...that should be J..Jarvis" I said walking backwards out of my room and I ran into my door

I could hear him laughing as I ran down the steps

I threw the door open and fell into Jarvis' arms

"I missed you so much best friend" I said resting my head on his chest

He put his head on top of mine and said "I know"

Odell walked down and he had on one of his shirts that he left here

"So what's the news?" Jarvis asked

I looked at Odell and I knew he was going to hate me for what I was about to say

So like word vomit it just came out "I'm moving to North Carolina with Cameron tomorrow and we're going to get married there"

Odell's look changed to fury and all he said was "What"

Jarvis sat down on the couch and said "this is a joke right"

"No...I...I just think it's what's best for me right now"

Odell walked up to me and I was scared of what he was about to say

But all he said was "Don't do it"

"I'm sorry Odell, I still lo--" I started tearing up again

But it was too late, he was already out the door

Whatever It TakesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin