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"What do you mean?" he asks pulling out his pockets

"You dropped this" I respond handing him the note and pushing him towards the door

"Melanie, this is not what you think it is"

"Odell the least you could do is admit to it and stop lying to my face. Jarvis was right all this time..."

There is an awkward silence now and I regret that last sentence

"You know what, I'm done trying. You and Jarvis can think whatever you want" and with that he walks out of my room and out the front door
Whatever Odell and I had is probably gone now, but it would have never worked out anyway

Jarvis doesn't want to talk to me right now because he says he warned me

I don't want to go to the boutique because all they'll talk about is Odell

So I decided to just stay home today

I considered calling Cameron because there's always a small part of me that misses the good times with him

That thought was quickly interrupted when I saw I had a DM and friend request from Drake

DRAKE! I freeze for ten seconds and then start smiling and freaking out like an idiot

I quickly open it and it reads...

'Ayeee Melanie, found you through Dell's page! Just wanted to let you know I thought you were beautiful😉'

This could not be real right now

I reply 'Wow, thank you😊'

'You busy tonight?' he asks

'Nope...what's up?'

'You should come by the studio, I'll be here all night'

'Ummm I guess that could be fun 😌, send me the addy'


I know Odell most likely wouldn't like me hanging out with him, but Odell and I aren't dating and from all the drama we already have, we probably won't be anytime soon

What's the worst that could happen anyway

I arrive at Drake's studio, which happens to be inside of his mansion

I finally get his gate code to work and ring his door bell

About five minutes go by and no one answers, so I ring it again and as soon as I do the door flies open

"Melanie!!! Even more beautiful in person!" he says pulling me into a hug and closing the door

I start blushing like crazy and he grabs my hand and pulls me towards his kitchen

"You like wine?" he asks

"Of course" I smile

"I have every kind you could imagine" he responds handing me a glass of Moscato "You want to come listen to one of the songs I've been working on?"

"YES!" I almost scream and we walk into another room and he shuts the door

"It's called Passionfruit"

He plays it and I instantly fall in love, he dimmed the lights and sat right next to me

This moment is so surreal and I don't know whether to cry or smile

He mumbles the song into my ear and our lips connect

The kiss quickly gets heated and before it gets too out of control the door flies open and the last person I expected is on the other side

"DELL what the hell do you think you're doing?" Drake yells walking towards him

Odell shoves him back and says "I could ask the same thing, since you are all over my girl"

Before they start fighting I stand in between them and put my hands on Odell's chest "Please stop" I plead

Odell looks down at me and smirks and before anything else could happen Drake punches him in the face and Odell falls back

"What's wrong with you?" I scream and slap him across the face

He grabs my wrist roughly and Odell shoves him up the wall and says "If you ever put your hands on me or Melanie again you won't see the next day"

Odell grabs my hand and pulls me out the door

I unravel my hand from his and say "How did you even know I was here?"

"He texted me that he was hanging out with you and asked if I was cool with it"

I chuckle a little and he asks "What's funny?"

"Why do you even care?" I smirk

"I don't" he answers with a blank face

"I mean you did drive all the way here just to see if I was with him right" I say putting my hand on his cheek and all he does is look at me

"Just to see him all over me" I whisper into his ear and I can tell he's getting pissed off "I think you care Dell"

I pull away and he pulls me back "You trying to make me jealous or something?" he asks

"I don't have to, you already are" I wink

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