Phase 1

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"Whatever Odell" I say walking past him and I bump into Jarvis

"Best friend" he smiles hugging me, "I want you to meet my girlfriend Michelle"

I honestly don't feel like talking to anyone right now so I politely say hi and try to keep the conversation short

Odell walks up behind me and Jarvis introduces them to each other

"We'll have to go on a double date" Jarvis says and I smile

Odell says "Lets set it up" and puts his arm around my shoulders

I make an excuse to leave and throw his arm off

Finding my brothers I tell them to meet me in the car

After waiting 40 minutes, they finally show up

I'm glad they had a good time

Arriving back home, they make their ways into their separate guest rooms

I have 6 bedrooms and 4 1/2 bathrooms, not too big or small

I decided to take another shower and put on my robe once I get out

The doorbell rings and I'm shocked because it's 1:22A.M

I told my brothers I would get it and I look through the peep hole

It's just the person I did not want to see

"Odell, nows not a good time" I say tired

"Why not?" he asks trying to walk past me, but I push him back

"Melanie, I only did that to get back at you" he answers wrapping his arms around my waist

He starts kissing the left side of my neck and I would resist but I'm too tired

"Odell" I moan, but he's not listening to me

"Odell...not right now" I faintly say

"Melanie what's going on?" I hear Dave ask from upstairs

Odell finally pulls away and says "Oh that's why"

Dave walks downstairs and I say "this is my brother"

They shake hands and it's so awkward I just start laughing

"Well I'll let you two finish.." Dave says and walks back upstairs

Odell is smiling and we both start laughing

"Melanie" he says coming inside and sitting on my couch

"What Odell?" I say sitting next to him

"Will you be my girlfriend and one day wife?" he asks and I'm shocked

Today has been so bizarre

I start smiling really hard and lay my head down in his lap

"Should I take this as a yes?" he asks

"If you tell me I won" I laugh

"You're so petty Melanie" he laughs

I smile and bring his lips to mine

"Yes Odell I will be" I say into the kiss and he pulls me tighter

I remember my brothers are here and pull away

"Brothers" he laughs and I get off of him

"Yea...would be pretty know...with them here" I laugh

"Well I'll be there tomorrow" he says rubbing his fingers through my hair

"Awww really Dell that means a lot" I respond kissing his cheek

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow too" he says getting up

"Ooooo give me a hint" I say standing up

"Wait and see" he says kissing me one more time "see you tomorrow" he says standing outside the door again

"Ok, lo--" I stop myself from what I was about to say and he stops and turns around

"Later, see you later" I smile and shut the door

Turning around Dave and James are staring at me

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