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(Bold italics- Darkiplier's thoughts)

Jack sat bolt upright, tears staining his pink cheeks. He looked at Anti's body and frowned. He poked him to see if he'd move. "A-Anti? W-Was that you?" He asked.


He then lifted his eyes to be met with someone he never expected to see. He frowned. "N-Not you... No..."


"What are you doing here?" Jack asked, staring at him.

Dark just stood and smirked at Jack. "Well, well, well, looks like old Anti-boy finally popped his clogs. What a shame." He said in a patronising voice.

Jack narrowed his eyes and growled lowly at Dark. "What do you WANT?!" He screamed.

"I came to give you a choice... A simple little choice." He chuckled deeply. If you're smart Jack, you'll know which to choose... "All you have to decide is which one do you value more..."

"Out of what?" Jack asked confused.

"Your demon... Or your girlfriend..." He smirked.

Jack's eyes widened at the mention of Signe. He didn't know what he could possibly mean by this. Signe was safe. He spoke to her earlier. "Where's Signe?"

Dark put his arms behind his back and clasped his hands there. "Somewhere very special..."

"If you've hurt her, I swear to god I'll~"

"You'll do what Jackaboy?" Dark growled, his eyes changing to completely black with red irises.

Jack squeaked in fear and backed up along the floor. He came to stop against his recording desk. Dark stepped forward and went to Anti's lifeless body. He knelt down beside him and put his finger on Anti's cheek. "Such a sad thing to happen... He finally changed and then he dies... How unfortunate. I can change that Jack, you know I can. Just choose who you love more, Signe or Anti? Good or evil?"

Jack shook his head. "I can't choose... I love them both in different ways... How can I possibly choose?" He asked.

"That's not my problem." Dark replied. "I'm just here to tell you you can only have one."

"Why can't I have both? What gives you the right to decide that?!"

Dark chuckled. "I have the powers that can make all of this go away..." He said. "All you have to do is choose!"

"N-No... I can't..."

"If you don't, I will and believe me I won't choose for love. I'll choose for hatred."

Jack brought his knees to his chest and sat staring at the floor. He traced the pattern of the carpet with his eyes as he thought over the choice. He then looked up at Dark. "Show me Signe." He said.

"Signe? Why?"

"I want to know that you haven't harmed her!" Jack spat.

Dark smirked. "Very well..." He said and brought up a sort of portal. It came into a clear image of Signe sitting in a small brick room, chains on her arms, keeping her firmly to the wall. She seemed to be crying. Jack couldn't tell as there was no sound. He watched her mouth move up and down. She was muttering one single word over and over again. Jack studied her lips and made out the word. It was a name. Sean

Seeing the image of her broke his heart. He wished that he could be there with her and comfort her. He wanted to tell her that everything would be okay. The thing was that he didn't know for sure that it would be.

Jack watched the image for what seemed like years. Then it disappeared. "Enough of that sappiness..." Dark said. "Now, you must choose."

"C-Can I have some time to think, please?" Jack asked. "I just need time."

Dark huffed. "Fine. You have ONE hour. I'll leave you and when I get back you have to choose, understand?"

"Yes... I understand." Jack nodded slowly.

Dark smirked. "See you in an hour." He snapped his fingers and disappeared quickly.

Jack was alone again. He sighed. He thought it over. He loved Signe so much. They'd been together for over two years. She was his world. Until today that is. Then Anti changed everything. He was a part of Jack. Jack already felt terrible that Anti was lying dead there in front of him, but he now had the opportunity to bring Anti back. Anti could have the life he so desperately wanted, but at what cost? Jack didn't know. He hadn't even asked what would happen if he chose Anti instead of Signe. Would she die? He didn't know. He didn't think he really wanted to know.

What do I do?!

Then he heard a familiar voice. You know what to do... You know what's right Jack.

Jack teared up at the voice. A-Anti?

Yes Jack... It's me.

How? How are you talking to me? You're~ Jack couldn't bring himself to even think the word.

I'm sort of an after thought... I'm just here until my body is no longer needed. It's because of Dark... He's sustaining me for this purpose.

What purpose?

To help you make the right decision.

What do I choose Anti? I don't want to choose!

You have to... If you choose me, you lose Signe. If you choose Signe, you lose me. There is no way out of this. You must choose one or the other. I'm sorry Jack.

Jack broke down completely. I can't do this... I'd rather die than this.

Well... I'll advise you. Choose Signe. She's the one who's always been there. She loves you. It's killing her that she can't see you. I know this because Dark's showing me. She wants you Jack and you want her. Let her survive. I've always caused pain up until now. Even now, even after I've died, I create problems for you. Choose her. You know it's the right thing to do.

Jack thought this over and he knew deep down that Anti was right. But, I'll miss you... So much. You've become part of me and I, you. How can I let you go?

I'll always be here in your head. As long as you keep my memory alive, I'll be here. Dark can't take that from you.

I won't forget you, you know that, don't you?

I'd never let you anyway. You think I'd let you forget me? I'm gonna annoy you forever! There was a small chuckle that followed that.

Jack missed his laugh. He missed everything about Anti. He wanted him back so badly. Jack cried.

Now, you have to make your choice. I have to leave you for now, but I'll be back, don't you worry.

Jack looked at his watch. An hour was up. He nodded. I'll miss you buddy, so much.

I'll miss you too Jackaboy.

And like that, he was gone again. Jack was alone once more in his room. He stared at Anti's body and waited.

Dark reappeared.

"I know who I choose." Jack said.

"Who?" Dark asked.

Jack opened his mouth and sealed their fate. 

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