12 Million Subs!

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(Underlined italics- Anti's thoughts/Normal italics- Jack's thoughts)

Another day and another time for Anti to make some mischief. But to who? He wondered. He was bored of the same old stuff. He needed something new, something different. He was tired of random people to terrorise and hurt, he needed someone that meant something. Aha! That's it. One of Jack's precious little subscribers. They would do nicely... He thought to himself. Anti watched and waited in the back of Jack's mind. He watched as Jack uploaded a video and he glanced at the subscriber count. 12 million! 12 million little souls to choose from. He watched as comment after comment flooded in under the video. Any of them are perfect prey... Jack was so unaware! It was so deliciously satisfying to watch him innocently go about his day. Not knowing what Anti would do to him and his subscribers!

Jack smiled as he watched his subscribers react to his latest video. There were so many kind and loving comments. He loved them all dearly. They were like his family! Every single sub meant the world to him. He didn't know where he'd be if it weren't for them! He squealed in excitement as he glanced at the sub count. OH MY GOD!!!! He thought. 12 million! He couldn't believe his eyes. He had known that it had been approaching, but he still couldn't get his head around it. He couldn't understand how 12 million people turned on YouTube every day just to watch a silly little Irish man shout at random games. It was mind boggling!

Anti watched and grinned. Oh Jacky, you have no idea do you? They are gonna be mine soon. Nothing you can do about it. I'm just waiting for the right time and then... BANG!!! I'll strike!

Jack went on twitter to thank everyone. He felt a strange fuzzy feeling, but he shook it off as just excitement. He sighed and wondered if Signe had seen yet. She most likely had. He replied to comment upon comment, thanking everyone for their kind words and messages of love and hope.

Haha, this is perfect! I'll just show him that I exist. Nothing too major, but enough! Anti gripped Jack's soul lightly, squeezing a slight bit. This'll get his attention!

Jack's girlfriend, Signe, adored him. She loved him with all her heart. She was on his channel, just watching the new video, when she noticed the sub count. 12 million subs. She had to text him congratulating him. She immediately grabbed her phone and sent him a text...

Jack felt a sharp pain wipe over him. It took his breath away. What the hell?! Just then his phone pinged. It was a text from Signe. Aww she's such a cutie! He texted her back.

(S-Signe J-Jack)

S- Wow! 12 million subs! Well done baby! <3

J- Aww thanks bby, love you so much! :P <3

S- Luv you too! xxx <3

Jack felt dizzy again. What the hell was going on?! Anti could tell he was confused. It was so pleasurable to him. Then he spoke. "Hello Jack!" He waited eagerly for his response. "How are you feeling?"

Jack was confused and startled. Huh? Who was that? "Uhhh.... Hi?" He was confused to all hell.

"Hey there. Are you feeling okay?" Anti asked. This was becoming more fun by the minute. He was totally oblivious.

Was Jack going crazy? Did he really just hear a voice? And did it really just ask him how he felt? He didn't know a lot about spirits and the like, but he was pretty certain they didn't ask if you felt okay. He responded slowly.

"I uh... No, I feel extremely... Dizzy!" And with that he suddenly blacked out! No warning, just blacked out.

Control! Total control! His mind, body and soul are all mine. Now what to do, what to do... He took control of Jack's lifeless body and scrolled through the comments for a sub to target. There were so many just ripe for the picking.. He smirked at them. He then sat back in Jack's mind again and waited for the imbecile to wake up.

When he did the fun would begin!

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