My Crush

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     Oh no. It has struck again. "WHAT HAS STRUCK AGAIN?!?", you may ask. Why, I'm talking about love, of course. Now, this boy I like, I've told myself not to like. But I saw him, and I seriously can't help it. I feel so odd. This boy is really bad for my health. I told everyone who would listen that I didn't like him. I called him an idiot, I called him stupid, I called him a player, but he's still there! My dad teases me about liking him every now and then, but yesterday I got to thinking...
     Do I like him? I don't want to like him. But he's pretty. And funny. And he plays video games. But he cheated on me once.

Oh, I'm going to fry my brain! Imma go eat pizza rolls, I'll get back to you guys. Any advice, taryn_whitley ?

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