Bets are placed

46 1 2

Memelord: hey guys

Hunky Monkey: Hey 

Space Princess: Hey Pidge, hey Hunk

Space Dad: Shouldn't we be training

Space Princess: Well we defeated Zarkon, so I don't see any need for it for the time being.

BetterthanPidge: Yes! No training

Keith: I didn't know you hated training that much

BetterthanPidge: Almost as much as you hate me

Keith: Why would I hate you

BetterthanPidge: Allura said you didn't like me

Space Dad: Now I'm sure that is just a simple misunderstanding

Keith: Allura What the actual Fuck

Space Princess: I can explain what happened

Keith: You know what I'm just going to go and train

Memelord: But Allura said we didn't have to

Keith: Allura says a lot of things

Keith has left the chat

Space Dad: Lance I think you should be the one to go talk to him

BetterthanPidge: But I don't want to go talk to him

Memelord: You should go talk to Keith

BetterthanPidge: Ok I will if you admit that I'm better than you

Memelord: Ok I'm better than you, now go

Betterthanpidge: That's not what I said

Memelord: Actually it's exactly what you said, now go

BetterthanPidge has left the chat

Memelord: How long do you think it'll take them to finally get together? I'm betting an hour

Hunky Monkey: Lance is too stubborn for that I think it's going to take at least a week

Coran: Should we really be betting on our friends:

Space Princess: How could we not? a day at most

Space Dad: two days. What about you Coran?

Coran: No I'm staying out of it

Memelord: Whatever. Winner gets to do whatever they want to the losers. 

Hunky Monkey: Deal

Space Dad: Deal

Space Princess: Seems fair

Coran: Still staying out of it



Gosh I seriously can't make these very long. So who do you think is going to win this bet? Comment who you think is going to win, and we'll see if you're right when Keith and Lance potentially get together. What type of Voltron fic would this be if there wasn't any Klance? As per usual I would love to see what you have to say, and I hope your day is going well. Also I have a question for the next chapter. Should I just do a literate chapter for the next one when Lance is going to go talk to Keith?

Thanks for taking your time to read

From, PurdyGirl

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