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( Jimin P.O.V. )

I looked over at the clock and noticed it was now 5 o'clock in the evening, it was Friday so I didn't have to worry about school until Monday. luckily for me I didn't have any homework either. my parents were out on a business trip they were telling me that it was " urgent " or something like that they always have some lame excuse every time their out some where.

I didn't mind though I like being here by myself though it would of been nice if I had a pet like a dog or cat to have company with me my parents don't like dogs or cats, the only thing I talk to is my dumb pet gold fish named coral.

I sighed to myself thinking about it, it started to get dark outside so I turned on some lights in the living room and kitchen it was now about 5:30pm now. I decided to get off the couch and make some ramen because it was an easy dinner to make. I went over to the covers and got a pot out and of course the top ramen packet. I put water into the pot and let the water start boiling and then obviously put the noodles in and the flavor packet. After I was done making it I went over to my kitchen table and sat down and ate my ramen.

After I was done eating I decided to feed my gold fish coral. I gave him a little bit of fish food because my fish was already pretty fat. After I was done feeding my fish I went to my back yard door and went outside staring out at the sunset. My backyard was just forest for miles I haven't explored all of it but I want too, I'm just afraid of getting too deep and getting lost in there. I'm actually planning to camp out tonight I can't help but being outside the stars are amazing at night and so pretty to look at. But before I do that I'm planning on giving some of my little garden some water .

I was growing some vegetables tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers and a little bit of carrots. I thought having a little vegetable garden would be nice since all the vegetables would be fresh. I grabbed my hose and drizzled some water on all of my plants, none of them are ripe yet since I just started growing them.
I went back inside to grab my sleeping bag, tent, lighter and my flash light I also put on my watch to keep track of the time.

As I was walking out into the forest I checked my watch it was now 6:40 pm I hurried to the closet fire pit, I kept in range of my house so I wouldn't get lost on my way back. I started setting up my tent and Laid out my sleeping bag in there too. After done with that I went around grabbing some fire wood, lucky for me there was already a log around the fire pit that I can sit on when I start star gazing. I was In perfect view of the sky so I could easily look up at the stars.

It had gotten dark enough to start a fire and soon enough one by one little stars started to glitter out in the sky. The best part was when fireflies started to fly around their wasn't many of them but their was enough to make me happy. I looked up and smiled I told myself " I've never been more peaceful than I am right now ". After a while I decided to get some shed eye I didn't even bother putting out the fire I knew it would just go out itself.

I zipped up my tent and laid in my sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep.

I don't what time it was I didn't know where my flash light was either since it was still dark out but I woke up to the sound of foot steps I didn't know what direction it was coming from and I didn't bring any weapons with me all I could do is stay quiet. I got more nervous each time the foot steps got closer. I kept thinking to myself maybe it's just a raccoon or a squirrel. I was going to run but I needed to wait for the right moment and that's when I heard a big thump, it sounded like if someone collapsed or something.

I searched around for my flash light, after finding my flash light I slowly zipped down my tent and peaked my head through it. The first thing I noticed was a body on the ground I immediately turned on my flash light and pointed the light toward the body on the ground and got out my tent. I went up to the body and noticed it was a guy. I tapped him to see if he would respond but he didn't. I turned his body over since he fell face down.

When I turned him over I noticed more of his facial features and more of what he was wearing. He  looked Asian as far as I could I tell It was obvious, he had very pale skin like snow and dark black hair like a raven. He was wearing pretty normal clothes he was wearing a black hoodie along with camo print skinny jeans and black converse. I touched His cheeks with my hands and they were ice cold. I started to freak a little I silently screamed to myself " is he dead?!?!". I quickly checked if he was breathing which he was not, then checked his pulse even for a heart beat! .....it would seem that he's dead.

That's all for this first chapter I hoped you enjoyed reading I tried my best writing this first one so please don't judge me too harshly xD

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