Truth Comes Out

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Lorelai went home early the next morning. After she woke up with Lory and waited for Rory to get up.

"Logan didn't come home last night!" She frantically said coming into the nursery.

"Don't worry he called while you were asleep. He booked a hotel. He'll be home later this morning.

"Oh GOD! I'm going to have to tell him! He'll call off the wedding! Leave me and Lory! I can't be a single mother!"

"He'll probably be upset but that's reasonable. Honey, you kissed his best friend. And from what you've told me, things might have gone further if he hadn't called."

"I hate this! Can I have her back now?" She referenced to Lory in her arms.

"I guess." She gave Lory to Rory.

They cooed over Lory. They heard the door open and Rory looked to Lorelai. She gave Lory back to Rory and Rory made her way to the front door.


"Hey Logan." She came down the stairs. She set Lory down on her blanket nearby. Logan walked quickly over to her and hugged her.

"I was so worried about you." She pulled away from the hug.

"Logan." She could feel the tears start to form.

"Ace what did Finn do?"

She couldn't look him in the eyes. She turned her head and started.

"We were drinking, after you left. We both had to much scotch and-" she swallowed the lump in her throat. The tears started to fall now. Logan took her chin and pulled her face to look at him. He wiped her tears. She hated the pained expression on his face.

"We kissed. And things could have- they didn't- but they could have happened. But you called and stopped things. And the entire time I was kissing him I was thinking of you. Logan-" He let go of her hands and walked to the front door. He looked at her one last time. She shook her head as they tears fell and he opened he door. He walked out slamming the door. She ran after him. Trying to catch him as he drove off.

"Please! Logan! Logan!" She burst into the tears in the driveway. She fell to her knees.

Lorelai came up next to her and hugged her.

"Give him time."

"How much?! 9 years?! Watch him get engaged to another woman! Forget about me and Lory!"

"Have faith."

"I just want to be with you and Lory right now."


Logan drove to Finns apartment. He knocked and Finn opened the door.

"My face is ready." He waited for Logan to punch him.

"How could you do this?! God I thought she was gonna say that you saw her naked again! She's heartbroken and it's all your fault!"

"Oh really! If she's heartbroken right now then why aren't you there comforting her?! Telling her that you still love her. She didn't initiate the kiss. I did. She didn't object but I shouldn't have done it anyway. You of all people should know what happens when people drink to much scotch! If you're going to punch me then do it! Either way go home to your wife AND CHILD!" Logan punched Finn in the jaw and walked away.

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now