22: Kaelie

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|| Ophelia Whitestorm ||

I stood in the Ops center with Alec who was working on one of the monitors. I heard the door open and it revealed Isabelle in a red dress.

"Heard from Mom. Max is on his way." Alec said and we followed after Isabelle.

"Feels like just yesterday we were taking knives away from him." Isabelle said.

"He's lucky to have you as a tutor." I smiled.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at us. "Maybe it's a mistake putting me in charge of him."

"Are you kidding?" Alec asked and looked at her in disbelief. "Izzy, you're the smartest one here and one of our toughest fighters."

"But its just... I don't totally feel like myself yet." Isabelle crossed her arms.

"What about those mundane meetings you mentioned?" I asked.

"They're helping, even though they think I'm talking about heroin." Isabelle said which made me chuckle.

"Shadowhunter down!" Jace rushed in the room Clary followed behind him.

"Milo Keytower." Clary mentioned.

"What happened?" Isabelle asked.

"From what I understand his runes were carved out. Is that true, Jace?" Inquisitor walked in the room and towards us.

"Yes, after he was attacked by a wolf." Jace answered.

"He had multiple bite and claw marks." Clary added.

"What kind of werewolf randomly attacks a Shadowhunter?" Isabelle asked.

"One who's trying to send a message." Alec said.

"Or one who's asking for a death wish." I said.

"And get the attention of the Clave." Imogen added.

"We need to find them before this happens again." Clary said.

"Well, I think I have a pretty good idea who it is." Imogen said and I know she's referring to Luke.

"You don't mean Luke, right?" Clary asked.

"Jace, bring in Mr. Graymark. I'd like to ask him some questions.." She said.


Jace and Alec were sent out to get Luke and bring him to the Institute. It didn't take long, they got back pretty fast. Jace and Alec brought Luke to the Inquisitor's office.

I was on standby at the Ops center waiting for Alec and Jace to get back from Imogen's office. I sat down by the computers and worked a bit on the case.

"Hey." Alec jogged down the small flight of stairs and towards me.

"Hey. What happened?" I asked and spun my chair to his direction.

"They brought Luke to the Lab to do some DNA tests. To see if he killed Keytower." Alec explained and sat next to me looking kind of bothered.

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