15: Adamant Stone and Parabatais

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|| Ophelia — ||

"There's a clear pattern. Young, strong, highly-skilled fighters, all abducted from boxing clubs, dojos and gyms. Valentine must've realized that even with the Cup, creating Shadowhunters isn't easy. He needs mundanes who are more likely to survive the conversion." Lydia explained.

"When did the briefing start? Nobody told me." Clary whispered.

"That wasn't an accident." Isabelle told Clary.

"Your job is to stake out the potential targets, and catch the Circle members when they try to abduct them. We capture a Circle member, we have a shot at Valentine." Lydia ordered.

"And Jace. That's how we get to him before they try and kill him." Alec whispered to us.

"Just keep your cool in front of the boss." Isabelle crossed her arms.

"You have your orders. Dismissed." Lydia said.

Clary walked over to Lydia, to talk to her about something.

"Alec, you have to go easy on Clary. She's new to this, she still has to get used to some things." I said.

"I'm not sure if you noticed but, our whole world was turned upside down since she arrived." He looked down at me.

"Trust me, I know." I crossed my arms.

"Izzy... Izzy, please." Clary called. "You wouldn't want to be benched on this. Let me come with you."

"Did you not hear me before? There's no place for you here." Alec said. "Let's go." He eyed me and Isabelle to follow him.

"We're sorry, Clary." I said and followed Alec.


"They say the best fighters in the city come here." Alec informed.

"It's only a matter of time before Valentine hits this place." Isabelle said, as we walk to where the fight was.

"Doesn't look that promising." I shrugged and looked around. I watched as some guy beat the crap out of another guy. "You got some moves."

"Yeah. How about I take you home and show you some of those moves, up close and personal?" A huge muscular guy that looks like he's too full of himself smirked, eyeing me up and down.

"That's funny. You really think you have a chance with her?" Alec asked.

"And who are you?" He looked over to Alec.

"I'm the guy who's gonna put you down if you don't shut your mouth." Alec smirked.

"Why don't you come up and try, pretty boy." He said.

I looked over to Isabelle and then to Alec, "I got this." I raised my hand and pulled Alec back.

"Come on, big boy. Let's see what you got." I smiled and walked to the mat.

"I don't fight girls, especially hot ones." He said, eyeing me from head to toe.

I turn around, "Well, that's too bad."

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