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Later that day, I found ourselves in the same history class.
I made sure to sit right behind him , and that he saw me.
I paid close attention to the teacher calling attendance, to be sure to catch his name.
'Hansol Kim'

Little did I know I would come to love that name.
The way it looked,
The way it sounded,
The way it rolled off my tongue...

I poked him with my pencil until he turned around.
"Jihoon Lee,huh? Was it really that hard to tell me that?"
He gave me a blank stare.

I tried to alleviate the awkward silence be keeping conversation.
"So where are you from? Your name doesn't sound very American."

No response.

So, I resorted to threats.
"I'm gonna keep annoying you until you respond."

With that he sighed and finally spoke,

"I'm from South Korea."
He said in a somewhat soft voice,

Like he didn't want to be heard.
Little did I know ,
I'd come to love that voice.
The way it sounded,
The way my name rolled off his tongue.

"Well then Jihoon Lee of South Korea , Im Iman David of Goodwhin County, and we're going to be best friends. "
He gave me an 'are you serious' look

But I just smiled and looked into his eyes, to let him know I was genuine.

He just scoffed and rolled his eyes, before turning back towards the teacher at the front of the class.

The same eyes I saw roll to the back of his head, before fluttering shut.


I stood outside his grave, surrounded by his family and peers who never showed while he was alive.

I watched as they lowered his body into the ground.
My eyes caught the tombstone that held his name.
The one I'd loved so.
The one I'd carry with me through life.

Because I have to keep living,
He'd want me to keep living.

Disgusted by the fake emotion that surrounded his tomb,
I threw a single daisy into the grave and left.

Leaving behind the one I'd loved,
but keeping his thought in my head.

I walked toward my baby blue Cadillac, and simply drove away.

But not before looking toward his grave , one last time.

Enjoying being in his presence one last time.

I'd had thoughts of driving until I ran out of gas,
Until the sun went down
Until he was back in my passenger seat again

but I had a job to do.

A/N: SOOO UHHH I Had to change the character bc Hansol is clearly going through some shit and I couldn't bring myself to write this with him as the main character.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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